
The collapse of the bridge Morandi a Genoa on August 14, two years ago, it was caused by poor maintenance and lack of controls. The four experts in charge of identifying the causes of the incident wrote it down in the file deposited with the investigating judge. Angela Maria Nutini. In particular, the document says: “You can identify deficiencies in checks and maintenance interventions that have not been carried out correctly.” So the prosecutor’s thesis is gaining more and more weight Massimo Terrile and Walter Cotugno, according to which the collapse of the bridge is due to the negligence of Highways for Italy, the concessionaire company. The appraisal represents a problem, however, for the defenses, which point to the existence of structural defects in the execution of the work.

As early as August 2019, the first evidentiary incident had highlighted the generalized state of corrosion of the steel cables of the rooms, the tie rods that connected the road platform with the upper part of pile 9, the collapsed one. And, according to the experts, if there had been an intervention to reinforce the stays of piles 9 and 10, then this “would have avoided the collapse with high probabilityAccording to the engineers appointed by the examining magistrate, therefore, there was no opportunity or incidence of external factors: the Morandi was destined to collapse due to lack of maintenance.