Variant of the coronavirus, how it was born and how long it has existed


The English variant of the coronavirus appeared for the first time between September and November: the most accredited hypotheses about its origin

The new English variant of coronavirus, widespread in several countries, including Italy, arouses concern around the world on the one hand due to its increased contagion and on the other because of doubts about vaccine coverage. Among the many questions that many ask themselves in these hours, there are those that are asked how it originated and how long has it been circulating this mutation. According to some experts, a month ago, and another three months. Here are the most reputable hypotheses at the moment.

How the English variant of the coronavirus was born: the three hypotheses

The European Center for Disease Control (ECDC) has made progress three hypotheses about the appearance of this variant. There prior to is that a prolonged infection with SarsCov2 in a single patient, perhaps with reduced immune capacity, may have resulted in a high rate of accumulation of mutations that can evade the immune system.

The second The hypothesis predicts that it is a process of adaptation of the virus, present in animal species and then relayed to man by the animal, as happened with the mutation detected in mink farms in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Finally, this is the third In the hypothesis, it is also possible that the variant has arisen through circulation in countries with little or no genetic sequencing coverage. But this hypothesis is the least plausible, according to the ECDC.

The English variant has been around for a month: the ECDC hypothesis

According to European Center for Disease Control (Ecdc), “The English variant of the coronavirus has been around for a month now. Three sequences of samples collected in Denmark and one in Australia, taken from Novemberin fact, they were found to be related to the English outbreak caused by this mutation. This indicates that its international diffusion has already taken place, although its scope is unknown ”.

The English variant has been circulating since September: Ricciardi’s version

Walter Ricciardi, An adviser to the Ministry of Health, he lashed out at London, stating that the British government had already known for months what was happening:The British already knew since September that this variant was in circulation ”.

Carlo Federico Bolt, Professor of Microbiology at UniCamillus and director of the Department of Microbiology at the Bambino Gesù Pediatric Hospital in Rome, is of the same opinion but tarnishes the lathes. When “was this virus characterized By the end of September it was extremely rare – he declared – now it has become very frequent and is becoming dominant because it is replicated more ”.

In his speech at Agorà en Rai Tre, Perno explained: “In September the news was not revealed because it was technical information, now it is becoming public health information ”.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-21-2020 13:16

Coronavirus variant and vaccine risks: virologists speak

Photo source: ANSA

Coronavirus variant and vaccine risks: virologists speak
