Quick swabs have started in the pharmacy, the audience of those who are entitled to them for free has expanded


From Monday in Emilia-Romagna also people with disabilities, and their family members who live together, have the right to a fast and free antigenic swab at the pharmacy: therefore, the number of people entitled to participate, on a voluntary basis, in the great epidemiological screening continues to grow. for more than two million tests, starting Monday morning across the region. This was established by the Regional Council, formalizing with its own act a resolution presented in the Legislative Assembly by the majority forces and approved unanimously: in accordance with the pharmacy trade associations, the agreement is reviewed and they become part of the objective. also people with certified disabilities, collaborators and capable of wearing a mask, and their living relatives.

“Each additional person who performs a rapid swab helps us to circumscribe and isolate the virus and allows us to take a step forward in the fight against the pandemic in the increasingly short wait for the vaccine – says Raffaele Donini, Councilor for Health Policies -: the expansion of today’s audience, for which I thank once again the entire category of pharmacists, is even more significant because it ensures the safety of a fragile segment of the population, such as the disabled, than during this health emergency it has paid an even higher price due to the inevitable reduction in the activity of day centers ”.

People with disabilities and their families therefore join a large segment of the population that has the right to the test: all schoolchildren and students from 0 to 18 years old and adults who attend upper secondary education, with their parents if they are separated and / or do not live together and guardians / custodians), brothers and sisters and other members of the family who live together, as well as grandparents who do not live together; university students who have a GP in Emilia-Romagna and those who, although they attended here, attend universities outside the region. And again: the personnel of the educational services 0-3 years and the school personnel of all levels, including the training organizations that impart the Vocational Education and Training (VET) Itineraries and the students who assist them.

Even for people with disabilities and their cohabitating family members, starting today, it is enough to make an appointment with the pharmacist, consulting the list of members on the Region’s website. The swab will then be done on the self-test or alternatively by the accompanying family member. As for people with disabilities who cannot wear the mask, and therefore to guarantee the safety conditions in the pharmacy at the time of the test, it is important to remember that they are already recipients of the Coronavirus infection control measures which is provided directly by the Health agencies for the categories of higher risk.
