the anger of the passengers and a video-shock – Libero Quotidiano


The commander of a flight from Orlando to Los Angeles was forced to a Emergency landing in New Orleans for the death of a man. On board 179 angry people who criticized the American company because the man would have shown clear symptoms of coronavirus. In short, he died of Covid-19 at a high altitude. On board a packed plane. Why was he allowed on the plane? Asked the furious passengers, also because the flight continued to Los Angeles with no one on board. The possibility of changing the reservation was offered.

All will die.  Cough and spit on passengers, hell breaks loose-Covid on the plane: video-shock

One passenger tweeted against the airline, accusing them of failing to check passengers before boarding. “Because they weren’t checked temperatures before boarding? “, having noticed that the deceased had difficulty breathing:” I looked his wife in the eyes, I looked at him and she just looked down. The medical team on board tried relive it for an hour. The family was crying, but people were going crazy, “he said. The passenger had filled out a form explaining that he was not sure. COVID-19. Flight attendants were placed quarantine for two weeks once we got to Los Angeles.

All of this was documented by a dramatic video filmed on board the plane and published by the Daily Mail: you can see it by clicking here.
