TRENTO. “The winter sports, if individual and non-contact, they are still authorized. ” Raffaele De Col, general director of the Department of Civil Protectionis. A new green light for the practice of those disciplines currently allowed in Trentino, such as Nordic skiing. “We will evaluate if the next provincial ordinance can also include the crossing of the border of the 30 kilometers beyond your municipality of residence to carry out these activities “.
The government decree made “Red zone“all of Italy during the next holidays, except the 4 holidays that are”orange zone“. L ‘South tyrol It decided more useful to maintain a homogeneity of measurements throughout the holiday period, so there is no alternation of colors and uniform rules with bars, shops and restaurants always closed and more freedom of movement, while the Trentino he is more inclined to follow the indications of Rome.
The ordinance that transposed the Dpcm of December 3 on the part that goes into the sport and physical activity fund, there is a green light for winter sports “as long as individually and in accordance with industry protocols“Naturally, the ski lifts are closed at the beginning of the month, at least until Epiphany.
There should be no limitations in sight. “They are still authorized. It is necessary to evaluate if it is possible to authorize the exceeding of 30 kilometers beyond its own Municipality. The government decree -adds De Col- seems to allow this possibility but we need an in-depth analysis that we carry out in the next few hours, it still takes a few days. “
Another point is to take the dog for a walk after 8:00 p.m., when the curfew in the province enters into force until December 23, the day on which the new Piazza Dante ordinance is expected to assimilate the latest government scenarios.
“If the dog has to go to the bathroom after 8pm, there is no one to prevent it because it is a proven need. Police controls, among other things, are structured. The operators know that the citizens can go out with the dog if they have to relieve themselves, “says De Col, while the President Maurizio Fugatti adds: “We continue to ask for responsibility, you don’t go out for no reason“(Here article).