Yesterday, after another unfortunate game of Torino, even if but with an annex eighth comeback suffered in thirteen games, President Cairo a couple of hours after the end of the match with the Bologna left the stadium after a summit with the technical director Weather in Vagnati and the journalists who were waiting for him to receive news about the coach’s future, in strategies established for the January market And even his opinion on the match just said: “Merry Christmas. Nothing happens. What should happen?”.
It is good that they have “drawn” it as Valerio Staffelli would say, but the truth is that it is serious that nothing happens given the seven points in classification and penultimate place in cohabitation with Genoa and Crotone under a single length and I cannot tell you that Spezia and Fiorentina are four points apart and Parma five. If there is some other team that is doing it wrong, it cannot be cause for hope when you are the first to persist in having problems with no way out. And it is serious that from thirteen games in eight Torino has recovered. And it is serious that the number of Objectives granted are already 31 with no one who has made it worse. And it is serious that beyond the injuries the coach Giampaolo past the quarter of the championship is still in Investigation of the the best possible trim And that’s why he changes it often, as he does with men, especially in defense, but not only, because not having a well-defined eleven is further proof that we proceed without being sure.
What should happen? Maybe almost everything, of course. Giampaolo cannot be blamed alone, especially since a suitable squad has not been assigned to his idea of the game, but you have to understand whether or not most players are following him. And there are some doubts about it, honestly. The January market is upon us and no outgoing or incoming trades have been set up so far (maybe there is a secret, but if so, what is shown below is very well kept) so we can assume that it has been found. team to the players who want to leave, there is more than one beyond the more or less ritual denials, and that already on January 4, the official market opening day, really useful reinforcements arrive for the game of either Giampaolo or someone else.
If nothing happens, Torino will enter B series. If something is going to happen, it will depend on the goodness and since speed of the decisions to be taken in order to avoid the descent. At this point, making something happen is up to Cairo.
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