There is no time, or so it seems, for him Naples deprived of Badge and with an intolerable sequence of results more than abominable for the property that, after having witnessed the defeat with the Lazio of Cyrus immobile, decided to address the situation. The press release, as always happens in these circumstances, does not explain but rather communicates a fact: the withdrawal.
The withdrawal of Naples after the knockout with Lazio
After the usual ritual, now, regarding the results of the tampons to which the team was subjected, Napoli decided to publish with a note the immediate consequence of what was collected (little, very little) in these last fragments of football played:
“It is announced that, after training on Monday afternoon at the Training Center, the team will retire until the game against Torino.”
It is not a new thing, a definite novelty for him Naples: when things do not go well, there is not that touch and that cry of Gattuso to train the boys in the field, here is the retreat. A necessary and indispensable decision that forces the Azzurri to remain in Castelvolturno until the game scheduled against Turin at the end of 2020.
The Napoli you don’t like: Gattuso’s future
Considering all possible mitigating factors, the Naples looked dull, colorless despite the coach’s meticulous preparation and attention to this match after the backhand with Bury. And even if the problems that plague Gattuso There are many, from the personal ones linked to the disease that has tormented him in recent years with the Milan (we mean the ocular myasthenia) to issues of feeling with Aurelio De Laurentiis and injuries, there is no justification. Not due to distractions and lack of application, as if what was built in training was blurred, annihilated. Regardless of possible substitutions or uncertainties, and this is the second aspect of this recall, related to your figure.
VIRGILIO SPORT | 12-21-2020 11:55