Between 18.01 and 18.04 on Saturday, Stefano Ansaldi, a gynecologist from Benevento with a study in Naples, also specialized in helping couples who cannot have children, with latex gloves. he has walked the last thirty-two steps of his life. He walked to the corner of via Macchi (one-way) and Scarlatti (two-way), under the scaffolding of a work for the renovation of the facade of an apartment building, scaffolding that, examined now, at the same time, presents points of great darkness to the beginning and less in the final stretch, where a long-bladed kitchen knife plunged into the 65-year-old man’s throat, which a passerby saw on the sidewalk with his hands clasped in vain around his neck.
The first hypothesis, supported by geographical and temporal coincidence, of a pair of murderous thieves, or the two North Africans who, less than two hundred meters and a quarter of an hour after the crime, attacked a 72-year-old retiree, was overcome by the examination of the video footage of the cameras that would not place the marauders, escaped with Rolex and old man in subway cars, in the killing area. Therefore, they are not the ones wanted for murder even if they are decisive., when they are captured (they have left through the Pagano exit, perhaps they have left the city), if they ever reveal their presence, in an area tragically notorious for robbery raids, often anchored in degraded surroundings from the nearby central station, of several batteries in simultaneous action on the last shopping Saturday before Christmas, with the two bumped against the pensioner, and one or more accomplices against the doctor.
The Carabinieri Investigation Unit does not rule out that Ansaldi was killed by a street assailant, which would have struck him in a favorable area for him, precisely as badly lit as the scaffold tunnel. If so, at least one question is triggered. Linked to the presence, near the corpse, completely covered in blood, not only as a consequence of the point of the body hit by the weapon but precisely by force, perhaps premeditation, perhaps the rage with which the knife was manipulated, Rolex, wallet and victim 24 hours.
The alleged the attacker did not delete the objects, unlike the doctor’s cell phone, which perhaps disappeared because it was immediately grasped, perhaps remaining in the hands of Ansaldi who was speaking, while the other three objects would have been abandoned due to the need for escape induced by the alarm of passersby. V.I was that the clock was on the sidewalk, but it is possible that he got away after a fight.
The mistery, Perhaps the greatest of mysteries is hidden in the reasons for Ansaldi’s trip to Milan.. He had told his wife that he would be absent but only for the whole day, communicating the destination city and not the reason, he explained in a generic appointment with people. The doctor arrived at the Central Station three hours before he died.
Within three hours, his post would always be placed in via Macchi. I would have walked, paused, mostly waited. Following this lead, discarding the theory of theft from an unknown passerby, the carabinieri reason about the following elements. Those latex gloves may have been a hedging measure against Covid but also to introduce scenarios, for example, of medical visits. Ansaldi had no plans to make a stopover in Milan, according to his wife, and in fact did not carry a suitcase with a minimum of change: in the 24 hours, assuming nothing had been removed, there were cookies and nothing else. The doctor about which there are strange rumors but that for the record was cleaned and, as the Naples carabinieri, who were not strangers to the inquiries, repeated, he had to return on the same day and, nevertheless, on a Saturday when the trains were assaulted, he had not bought the return. Perhaps he did not know the departure time, linked to the appointment and its duration.
The crime scene allows you to imagine that Ansaldi would have turned left and crossed the pedestrian crossing. seeing the Central in the background. It left Milan having completed the mission, to be completely rebuilt due to the absence of the mobile phone. Perhaps stolen relying on the difficulty of deciphering, thanks only to impressions, conversations and talks between the doctor and his executioner about secret applications.
December 21, 2020 | 07:37