Variant of Covid, Galli: “Has greater diffusion capacity. Ineffective vaccines? No”


“I do not think so”. Thus, the director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Sacco hospital in Milan, Massimo Galli, to ‘L’aria di Domenica’ in La7, answering a question about whether the vaccines will be ineffective against the new variant of the coronavirus found in the United Kingdom . . “Obviously I make a statement that takes into account a probabilistic view. I would not be fooled. If anything, it gives us the important signal that we have to vaccinate as many people as possible quickly and we will have to be very careful what happens. There are many conditions. ” that could put us in a position to run after the virus with different vaccines, but I think this question concerns the not near future. “

And he explains: “In the peak region of the virus, which is the one that adheres to receptors on human cells and is crucial for the immune response of the vaccine, this variant has at least three particular variations.”

The new variant of the coronavirus reported in the United Kingdom “may be capable of spreading better but beware, the report speaks of first observations in Great Britain, from September 20 to 21, so we are careful but I am afraid that, even if we have not done it still seen or even if there is no precise documentation in Italy, it is possible that abroad it has already been there for a while, if it has certain characteristics ”. “We die more if we persist in not paying attention to the spread of the virus, be it the variant or the other,” he added.

“An invitation to calm. This issue needs to be better clarified and defined but, if the only pro-analytical report that we have tells us only partially, we will be facing a variant that is not worse than the others but perhaps has a greater general capacity, so much so that it is gaining ground in Great Britain, “concluded Galli.
