The start of the general discussion on the budget law, which was initially scheduled for tomorrow at 11 am, is postponed to Tuesday at 9 am in the Chamber.
Lots of new bonuses and incentives, a last-minute deal on the superbonus extension, and a veritable flurry of micronorms. The maneuver in the time of Covid changes a lot, but not in the background: complicit resources never seen before available, almost 5 billion, have been able to satisfy the appetites of the majority and the opposition that collect hundreds of news.
In the first and essentially only parliamentary approval in the House, the maneuver loses the Covid fund of 3.8 billion, which will be replaced by the new variation at the beginning of the year for the ‘final’ decree of Ristori, which is diluted in hundreds of amendments that They range from a billion. for the freelance white year, up to 100,000 euros to create a master’s degree in thermal medicine, up to hundreds of INPS recruits to the ministries. Added to this are the changes financed with the 800 million that they left at the disposal of the parliamentarians from the beginning, while the decontribution for the South loses three billion in two years of React Eu coverage that will support a series of other measures present in the text. base of the Budget Law, and are replaced by deficit coverage to better distribute, at the request of Brussels, the use of European funds.
The House examination, due to delays in the Budget Committee, has been postponed one day and allows everything to close, even in the Senate, before Christmas. But in a 48-hour marathon, after weeks of stand-by, amid accumulations of folders and reformulations of reformulations, in an almost usual chaos during budget sessions, the most disparate requests are received in the commission, some of great significance as a ‘cig’ for the self-employed: it is a first measure that modifies the welfare of the VAT figures pending the global reform of the shock absorbers, and that introduces a check of up to 800 euros for six months to those who reduce to half the income.
But it is the emergency that continues to dominate, with the focus on vaccines that will be VAT-free, such as tampons, and that will be administered by 3,000 doctors and 12,000 nurses hired ad hoc for the next 9 months, the new package of the half. one billion in aid to tourism – in addition to another 500 million for airports and handling services affected by the collapse of flights – and a series of interventions for the different supply chains, from textiles to hemp. And to cushion the risk of layoffs, when the blockade ends in March, comes both the relocation contract that extends to the unemployed with Naspi and not only to those who receive the Citizenship Income, as well as the possibility of the ‘mid cap’ than 250 employees. the expansion contract, which allows a long slide towards retirement.
The funds for the production and import of medicinal cannabis are doubled. The House Budget Committee approved a modification to the maneuver, first signed by Riccardo Magi, which allocates three million six hundred thousand euros for production and seven hundred thousand euros for the import of cannabis for therapeutic purposes in 2021. On the other hand, nothing to do to liberalize the so-called cannabis light, with a Thc percentage of less than 0.5%.
Instead, he looks to the future, hoping that it will be a driving force to hook the recovery, the extension of the superbonus to 110% on green renewals., that the 5 Star Movement in the first place, followed by all the parliamentary groups for the truth, would have wanted from now on extended until 2023.