In the opinion sent to the government on December 14, the Scientific Technical Committee had requested to implement measures to reduce situations that generate the conditions for the resumption of the epidemic curve, with special reference to the contexts of risk of uncontrolled aggregation, especially in closed places and open to the public and its accessories. The measures to be taken have not been indicated, but the path has been traced. Fabio Ciciliano, Chief Medical Officer, Cts secretary, the expert who analyzes the documents and writes the minutes. convinced that the decree has interpreted the recommendations of the technicians, but knows that some rules are open to interpretation. To do this, it clarifies the points that still seem controversial.
Couple visits
First example: if there is a 16-year-old son in the family and one or two minors, can’t we move in together? No – Ciciliano explains – because from December 24 to January 6 it is possible to travel to private homes to visit family and friends for a maximum of 2 people. Children under 14 years of age, people with disabilities and other non-self-sufficient cohabitants can be added to them without numerical limitation.
Then there is a question of borders: Can you visit family or friends outside the region? No, prohibited.
On the other hand, you can stop and sleep. Yes, you can only make one visit per day and you can even fall asleep – confirmed the secretary of the Cts -. The return home is allowed from 5 to 22 hours every day and on January 1, 2021 from 7 to 22 hours.
And who has both parents who are not self-sufficient, can they take them in the same car? S. In this case there are no limitations. Only the self-certification necessary to be demonstrated in case of control by the police.
The Christmas decree and the rules
The knot of second homes
Isn’t there the risk that the repeal of the movement of two people will facilitate the encounters in the home between several couples? It was necessary to find a compromise between the need to limit the movement of people to prevent the spread of the virus and the need to to guarantee anyway one minimal sociality for families, especially to allow grandparents not to be alone during the Christmas period. Also in this case who is going to visit a family member or friend in second house can stop and sleep. The only condition: The second home must be in the region of residence. both the owner and the friends or relatives who stay, since from December 21 to January 6 it is forbidden to travel between autonomous regions and provinces. If a family wants to move to a second home during the holidays, the partners can go together.
Lunches and dinners
one of the thorniest issues. How many should there be at lunch or dinner? The government has not expressed any prohibition on what happens in private homes, but has given a recommendation. And the recommendation, obviously, is to stay for lunch or dinner with as few guests as possible –Ciciliano emphasizes–, preferably belonging to the same group of people who live together.
Better sitting at the table or at the buffet? It is better to maintain a safe interpersonal distance. In this sense, domestic buffets represent situations in which small spaces can favor transmission if distance cannot be guaranteed. At this point, it is best to remain seated where distances are still ensured by the presence of the table.
How should seats be assigned? It would be wise to try to keep grandparents as separate from children as possible, perhaps by making them sit on opposite sides of the table. Ideally, you should place the children at a separate table from the adults.
Wearing the mask
Precautions also apply indoors. IS the mask – recalls the expert – must be used correctly. There is no point in wearing the mask that leaves the nose out. It would be like not having it. And then physical distancing, hand sanitization, and frequent room ventilation. It is important to open the window for at least 2-3 minutes every hour.
Another question: should the mask be removed from the table? If you know people outside of your family, wearing a mask and keeping your distance is a strong recommendation.
Are there any special precautions for exchanging gifts? Hand sanitation is essential.
Certifications and controls
For each movement, self-certification must be completed. But do you also have to specify who you are going to visit? For privacy reasons it is necessary to indicate where and in general who it is.
With the two-person rule, isn’t there a risk that multiple couples see each other in the same house? All the rules – Ciciliano closes – if misinterpreted they can lead to attempts to circumvent. The police are doing everything possible to ensure accurate controls, also thanks to the involvement of the local police. We are faced with a momentous emergency, I still hope great responsibility of the Italians they have so far been careful to observe the rules. In this crucial period.
December 21, 2020 (change December 21, 2020 | 10:02)