
Giulia Salemi live a moment of crisis in the House of Big Brother Vip, on its close relationship with Pierpaolo Pretelli. For the young influencer, the one with the model is simple friendship, but the pressure from the outside (from the screams outside Cinecittà from the fans who support the story between him and Elisabetta Gregoraci) generate a lot of anxiety because he does not feel free to live their bond and he fears that their friendship will be misunderstood and exchanged . for something else. Giulia feels blocked and is afraid of reliving the tensions and fears of her former GF Vip, when she was the protagonist of a very chatted relationship with Francesco Mountain.
I am torn because I do not want to be influenced by the outside and live relationships with the greatest tranquility, but I do not want to be the one who suffers the consequences of their relationships, of their relationships said and not said and their facts and not facts (in reference to Pierpaolo and Elisabetta, ed). I don’t like having to block him when he gives me a hug or hug because I’m conditioned. I feel like I’m reliving my Big Brother from two years ago, only that was MY story. This is not my story (video below).
Giulia Salemi’s anguish
This is the speech that Salemi gave to Andrea Zelletta, Giacomo Urtis and Andrea Zenga. Shortly after, Stefania Orlando joined her in the orange room, to whom Giulia reiterated the concept: “I am glad that the fans outside shouted and said “Pierpaolo is good, Elisabetta is jealous”, referring to him, since many times the woman is blamed. I don’t want to be in the middle of a mechanism where I have nothing to do with it. I don’t want to be a pawn. Then Giacomo tells me that there are cameras and that then I shouldn’t have come here. So one here must be distorted because there are cameras. I began to relive a state of mind that I already lived, the anguish and anxiety of not knowing what to do. To prevent people from thinking wrong or getting caught between clippettine and clippettucce, I am drastic and now I speak with Pierpaolo a tenth of what I did before“Orlando pressured her not to worry and not be swayed by outside judgments.
People can make movies, that’s their problem. You live your friendship, be yourself. Malice is in the eye of the beholder.
What Pierpaolo feels for Giulia
At that moment, Tommazo Zorzi also came in and he and Stefania insisted on involving Pierpaolo in the conversation. “Bonfire comparison“Tommaso joked referring to Temptation Island. Both Pierpaolo and Giulia seemed very embarrassed, and he said he was willing to be less affectionate towards him, to avoid misunderstandings:”If you live it like this, I take 10 steps back. Don’t create any problems for me, I’m super calmZorzi, Zelletta and Orlando have definitely cornered them in their respective places and Pretelli reiterated that he does not feel any emotional or physical attraction to Giulia.
If I like Giulia? No. By what you mean. If I got engaged to her? Not to date. There is a lot of feeling, we are very similar. Am I beating around the bush? I always walk away. Did you have any fantasy about her? No, but if I did, I wouldn’t say it.
What Giulia feels about Pierpaolo
Pierpaolo’s speech didn’t quite convince the other boys, while Giulia was very clear: “There are three points. Temperamentally, he is a very compatible person with me, I have not found a person with whom I can talk about everything and not feel judged. But I am living all this as a friend, and I live it in a serene way, because when I live relationships with ulterior motives something is always ruined, so I live it with unconcern. Above all, the central point is this: I entered when he had another situation at stake, it’s sad for me to be someone’s endorsementTherefore, Salemi has no intention of being ‘a second choice’. The scene was closed by Tommaso’s irony:I ask you a question, answer me honestly: Are you afraid of getting attached because you don’t want to ruin the friendship or because you don’t really have an interest in him? Do you force yourself not to go further or is it spontaneous?“;”Spontaneous, I don’t even consider going any further“;”So I’ll ask you another question: have you ever seen Pier in costume? In my opinion no“. (video).
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