(ANSA) – ROME, DECEMBER 21 – The author of the “largest cyber-financial attack in Italy, one of the largest in the world in the cryptocurrency sector” has been identified by the Postal Police: it is a 34-year-old Florentine official a “hole” equal to 120 million euros in the hacked computer platform “BITGRAIL” More than 230 thousand savers scammed. The man is charged with computer fraud, car laundering and fraudulent bankruptcy. The Italian postal police thus marked “a world milestone in the field of cryptocurrency investigations, with a one-of-a-kind investigation with a high technological impact.” The identified man is the only director of an Italian company that manages a cryptocurrency exchange platform, and is responsible for the 120 million euro computer fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy and car laundering. Investigators from the Florence Postal Police and the Cyber-Financial Crimes Section of the Central Service of the Postal Police, with the help of staff from the Financial Police of the Judicial Police Section of the Florence Prosecutor’s Office, are applying the precautionary measure of the prohibition to carry out business activities and to hold executive positions in companies, issued by the preliminary investigation judge Gianluca Mancuso. “For the first time in Italy and in Europe, fraudulent and distracting behavior to the detriment of investors have been documented, carried out entirely on computer platforms and the use of virtual currencies,” emphasizes the Postal Police, explaining that the activity is part of a more aimed at combating economic crimes and, in particular, illegal enrichment through the misuse of online platforms and computer tools developed by the Florence Public Prosecutor, led by Giuseppe Creazzo, who entrusted the investigation to Deputy Prosecutors Luca Tescaroli and Gabriele Mazzotta and the substitutes Sandro Cutrignelli and Fabio Di Vizio (ANSA).