The premier applauds the health (Lombard), the Democratic Party dissolves and the most responsible and moderate voices come out. Something is changing The evolution of the health situation and the dynamics of politics are rapidly putting the crisis in the “barricade” line that the left has taken in Lombardy since last spring. Increasingly louder voices are raised in the opposite direction, calling for a different, more constructive and dialoguing approach, which he has always invoked, without his own party, Italia Viva, having listened to the regional councilor Patrizia Baffi.
To sanction the final end of an unjust and unfinished “war” yesterday even came a tweet from Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte: an unexpected “applause” for the medical team at Galeazzi Hospital, who underwent world record surgery. The prime minister said he was “proud of our health care”, a deserved recognition for doctors but also significant politically, especially considering the outsourcing with which in February the Count himself had accused a Lombard hospital, that of Codogno , of having favored the appearance of outbreaks with a “reckless” handling of the first cases.
A few days ago, on the other hand, Giorgio Gori came out who, in addition to being the mayor of Bergamo, was a candidate for governor in 2018. By participating in the inauguration of a hospital, Gori “acquitted” the private Lombard health, reducing his criticism of the field of political options. Pragmatic tones, different from the maximalists of a part of the Democratic Party, often indistinguishable from the left that still defines itself as communist and dreams of “another possible health”.
For months, even in the Democratic Party, the stage was filled with those bellicose, maximalist tones of a noisy minority now discovered as such. But “too much is good”, obviously, if it is true that in the meantime the intolerance of an important part of the party for these “barricaderi tones” has also increased, also destined to be losers in Lombardy. A few days ago an extensive political document was prepared by the “Reformist Base” (current Minister Lorenzo Guerini and former regional secretary Alessandro Alfieri). Signed by many of the leading exponents of the Democratic Party, including Milan’s deputy mayor Anna Scavuzzo, the document calls for a Democratic Party capable of transforming itself “from an opposition party to a ruling party in Lombardy and Italy.” And it becomes a (self) accusation: “We have been crushed, even instrumentally – say the reformists – into simplistic positions of public / private opposition.” “We have not always been able to clearly convey a message of responsibility to public opinion.”
The impression, in fact, is that the “silent majority” of the party has come to light, isolating that handful of regional councilors who remain firm in the most extreme positions, those led for example by MEP Pierfrancesco Majorino, who in In recent months, he has been agitating for commissioners and distrust every day, but with an air of speaking more to the unbridled and moderate wing of his party than to the electorate.
And if the Democratic Party seemed confused, even more incomprehensible was “Italia viva”, the party of Matteo Renzi who, betraying his own vocation, pressed himself to the left and tried to flatten a sterile and noisy opposition even Councilor Baffi, who today Not coincidentally, she has not yet renewed her membership in the movement and does not seem willing to do so. “I am very happy – says Baffi today – that an important part of the Lombard Democratic Party has put on paper its criticisms of the extremist positions that, in the tragic months of the tsunami pandemic, several regional councilors of the same Democratic Party have led to out the Pirellone, unfortunately dragging with him a good part of the opposition. “I am very happy – concludes Baffi – also because, despite being accused and insulted by the populist wing of the Democratic Party and associates, throughout the months of the health crisis, I have maintained a position based not only on controlling acts of the majority, but also loyal cooperation with their representatives. For the good of Lombardy and its inhabitants.