BARI – At 5.30 p.m. today there are 37 thousand adherents among the health workers of Apulia to the vaccination campaign against Covid that will begin on December 27 and will continue in January: announced by the regional health advisor, Pierluigi Lopalco. In total, just under 95 thousand people have the right to be vaccinated first, among doctors, nurses, social and health workers of the ASL and hospitals, collaborators and guests of the Rsa and Rssa.
So far less than half have signed up at the moment, but there’s time until midnight to book. To join the vaccination campaign, you must fill out an online form on the Puglia region portal. The module aims to collect expressions of interest to optimize the vaccination offer. Those who join will subsequently receive from the ASL all the information on the characteristics of the vaccine in order to sign the informed consent, necessary before administration. In the initial phase of the vaccination campaign, management is centralized: vaccines are administered in hospitals chosen by the Region, with the support of mobile units according to membership. In Puglia, the recruitment of some 230 doctors, nurses and social health workers dedicated to the administration of vaccines is expected. There are 27 referrals, 11 administration points and 15 days scheduled for the first 95 thousand doses of vaccination. As availability increases, the vaccination campaign will be expanded to involve local vaccination clinics as well.
WORDS OF LOPALCO – Create a station in each municipality in which to perform rapid antigenic tests, this is the objective of the Puglia Region as declared to Radionorba by the Regional Health Councilor, Pierluigi Lopalco. “The agreement signed with pediatricians and general practitioners,” he explained, “provides for the creation of special centers outside medical offices, decided by the socio-health districts. We hope that in each municipality there is one »« Rapid antigen testing – however, Lopalco stressed – does not replace the molecular one, but it is useful for the identification of asymptomatic patients ».
Speaking of the measures taken by the government for the Christmas period, Lopalco added that “the message that comes is that we have not yet left the tunnel. We hope that they can allow us to start 2021 in a more relaxed situation. In Puglia, in particular, there is a slight decrease in incidence, but this is not enough to be out of danger.