Homicide-suicide in Padua, father stabs his children. On social media, she ran a health and wellness page: “Leave traces of love.”


To view photos and messages in Facebook, nothing would presage tragedy. Horror. Why Alessandro pontin, 49, drew on poetic and inspiring photos Indian nun some reflection on the beauty of life and inharmony between the people. And instead he took advantage of custody during the weekend of the children Francesca di 15 years and Pietro di 13 years, by Kill them. A stab in a two story house Sant’Ambrogio of Trebaseleghe, a country populated in the Padua Countryside. The rumor of a kidnapping. And it is precisely out of fear that Alessandro had kidnapped the two children that a brother entered the house. And there he saw the terrible sight. After killing his two sons, Pontin, who does the Carpenter, but cultivate interests of reflexology, Yes it is delicate with the same weapon. The two boys were stabbed in the throatbut they would try in vain run away. However, at first it appeared that the murder had occurred while they were sleeping. He really attacked them while they were in bed.

the carabinieri, Mayor Antonella Zoggia, health workers in the 118. But help was no longer possible. The one who had to resort to treatment was instead theex wife, Francesca and Pietro’s mother who lives in San Giorgio delle Pertiche and based on the court’s custody ruling, he allowed his father to keep the two children for a fixed period of time. When informed, she is slumped trapped by disease.

Investigations should reconstruct the sequence of gestures, the probable premeditation of the double homicide, the root of a separation that obviously had not been accepted by Pontin. However, in your profile Facebook left some conflicting graffiti. “There vitae You are yourself, if life is difficult to cope, it is because it is very difficult put up with themselves. “The quote is from Carl Gustav Jung, and it is a symptom of a deep malaise. But there is also a message from Osho raineesh, an Indian spiritual and mystical teacher: “You cannot be other than yourself. Then relax. L ‘existence He needs you just as you are ”. He erased it with a knife, erased the existence of his children and himself. And from the book “The monk who loved cats “, he quoted: “Everything is impermanent. Water turns into ice and fire turns into heat, the seed turns into a tree and the flower into fruit. What we call the end is nothing more than a new beginning … The secret is knowing how to adapt to changes that life imposes on us. Yes we know to receive and becoming something new every time, nothing can scare us. “

In addition to his personal profile, Pontin managed a page of “Health & Wellness” in social networks that reflected their professional activity. In fact, he called it “The Mirrored World.” On December 17, he posted a photo of the Buddha and a message that tastes like omen: “Everything comes at its time”. But they did not refer to violence, only to the end of a cycle. Words that collide with what he did. For example: “Leave footprints of love me amiability wherever you go. “Or also:” Adopt the rhythm of nature. His secret is patience. “A friend wrote him a month ago:” If someone walks away from you and you don’t understand why, let him be … Trust him. life … Do nothing. Soon you will know what it was better this waythe. Life is always a circle, while you are a square ”. Unfortunately, Alessandro Pontin did not listen to her.
