Covid-19, Ricciardi: “UK variant is no longer aggressive or lethal, but more contagious”


“The British have informed us that for some time, in fact since September though isolated only in recent days, one has emerged variant Covid-19 “. This is confirmed by the professor Walter Ricciardi, who on Sunday December 20 spoke in relation to “Live, it’s not the d’urso” during prime time on Canale 5.

“It is not a more aggressive or deadly form, however it is much more contagious – continues the consultant to the Minister of Health – in fact in the United Kingdom there has been a sharp increase in cases and today we have reached almost 36 thousand infections, a record ”.

Ricciardi explained that the higher probability of infection is due to the ability of this variant of the virus to enter our body through the mucosa. Finally, an important reassuring: “Tomorrow we will have a new confrontation with the British, but they have already confirmed that for the moment it would not compromise the efficacy of the vaccine.
