“Conte has lost confidence …” The bomb that triggers the fight


The final days of 2020 become increasingly explosive as the fate of the government. To end up in the spotlight of the controversy is Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte again, grappling with Italia Viva’s uncomfortable positions on the main issues that could topple the Giallorossi. The Prime Minister has recently had a face to face with the Renzianos, who have presented a programmatic document to collect yes to the Month and entrust the power of the secret services to a person who is not the same lawyer. He thought about inflaming the situation further. Ettore Rosato, than to the transmission microphones Schedule his SkyTg24 photographed the situation that seems very fragile.

The vice president of the Chamber and coordinator of IV did not beat around the bush to warn Conte: “To date, there is no longer any trust between the majority and the prime minister. Trust has been wasted. There trust He is no longer alone with us, we say things that many other majority partners say. It has to be rebuilt if you want to move on.“And in fact the exponent of Renz has made it known that even among the grillini certain discontent are beginning to manifest themselves in significant ways: “Even the ministers of the M5S did not appreciate that at 2 am we received the subdivision of 209 billion, without discussing it with anyone, secreting projects. A subdivision Conte thought the CDM would pass at 9am, along with the measures that the CDM and Parliament commissioned“.

Therefore another ultimatum thrown out: “Either the prime minister solves it or for us the government is finished. Renzi does not have the resignation of ministers IV ready, our ministers have them readyObviously the reference is to the hypothesis of a working group for the technical supervision of the implementation of the projects of the Recovery Fund, which could undermine the power and functions of the state. Italia Viva alternatively proposed a “reinforced” mission unit with the participation of all the political forces of the majority and of Parliament. Rosato highlighted the fact that the Coronavirus emergency has given Conte powers that no prime minister has had before him, reiterating the need to collegiality: “This country has never put up with single men in charge. There is a problem of transparency, and in Italia Viva we will never support a non-transparent government“.

Now chaos breaks out

And thus a furious brawl broke out within the executive. Andrea Orlando, Undersecretary of Democratic party, immediately took the defense of the Prime Minister and invited all the allies to get down to work to define the tools and objectives to be achieved thanks to European funds: “Vetoes and ultimatums cannot interrupt this work. That is why we share the proposal that two tables advance in parallel to address the political problems of the majority while advancing the Recovery.“.

But there are those who have increased the dose unleashing a very hard attack against the Renzians. “Rosato speaks on behalf of Italia Viva, which represents 2% of Italians. For the Democratic Party, which has grown in recent months and who wanted to destroy, We speak“thundered Michele Bordo, deputy leader of the Democratic Party in the House, bluntly. The dem took the opportunity to repeat the total opposition to a crisis government, saying instead that it is in favor of a legislative pact to relaunch government action: “The Democratic Party will continue to work to strengthen and give a political perspective to this majority for which there are no alternatives.“.

Trying to stop the chaos was Loredana De Petris, who explained what would be the true intentions of Italia Viva: “The truth is that he wants to provoke at all costs and with totality irresponsibility a crisis in the dark, the result of which will be early elections at the worst time for the country“The Liberi e equali senator and president of the Mixed Group said she was concerned that such a scenario could cause a disconnect between politics and citizens:”Already now, under the responsibility of IV, the Italian Recovery Plan is blocked, which must advance with the utmost urgency and speed.“.
