Christmas Mass 2020: here are all the rules. Self-certification and house church wine


Rome, December 20, 2020 – The Christmas, the government just approved new christmas decree that imposes severe restrictions. The question that millions of Catholic faithful what they ask is: can we participate in Christmas Masses, in particular the one of the day before. since all of Italy is a red zone on vacation? What are the rules that we will have to respect? Here is the guide. Taking into account that many rules are already established by the protocol signed by the government and the CEI last May.

Covid Newsletter December 20

Red zone: the rules of the Christmas Decree

The police will not do house checks

Yes, we can go to mass

Leaving home to go to mass it can be possible also the days before holidays and bank holidays (those of the red zone, so to speak: December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31; January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6).

The Christmas Decree in PDF

Christmas decree: questions and answers

Do I need to have a self-certification?

Yep. The bishops themselves advise the faithful to bring self-certification. On the orange days, however, self-certification is not necessary to travel within the same municipality.

What church can I go to?

At Red days the IEC recalls that “places of worship must be reasonably identified among those closest to home.” At orange days instead, the faithful “may reach any sacred place in the municipality of residence, domicile or home.” Obviously, the exemption for small municipalities applies. In other words, if the Municipality has less than 5,000 inhabitants, it is possible to attend Mass in a neighboring Municipality at a distance of 30 kilometers, but not in the provincial capital ”.

Second houses: here are the rules

What rules should I respect in the church?

The usual ones already planned. That is, reduced entries, spacing, and mask usage. Nothing changes for Christmas.

What time can i go

The knot has been there for weeks midnight mass. Considering that the curfew is maintained from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. the next morning, the masses will be anticipated: the same mass celebrated by the Pope in San Pedro will begin at 7:30 p.m. In all the parishes they are preparing to increase the frequency of Masses. Precisely to guarantee this, the Holy See will allow priests to celebrate the feint in 4 daily Masses at Christmas, New Year and Epiphany.

Lunch and visits to two relatives.

Movements between municipalities at Christmas: the rules
