GF Vip, website in rebellion for another sad joke: disqualification is coming


GF Vip, website in revolt over another unhappy joke: the disqualification that comes from what happened in these hours in the most spied on house in Italy.

Disqualification of GF Vip

The expectation is growing for tomorrow night’s episode of Big Brother Vip that promises, as always, to crackle. Following the disqualification of Filippo Nardi in recent days, another competitor from Italy’s most spied house is likely to leave the program. This is the beautiful influencer Giulia Salemi, which in the last hours has become the protagonist of a hit particularly unhappy that it is circulating on the web. Many people are now calling for the disqualification of the 27-year-old from Piacenza. But let’s see what happened.

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GF Vip, disqualification on arrival for another competitor

In the video circulating online, Salemi is seen saying these words referring to Maria Teresa Route: “She is excited, she has the hormone that has left her and with her head always looks for her p ** e (We are talking about Pierpaolo Pretelli, ed) “. Now it remains to be understood what the decision of the GF will be, which could decide to disqualify Giulia Salemi tomorrow night. Here is the video in question:

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