“The strain of COVID-19 English? Take it easy. “Professor Massimo galli, in relation to Myrta Merlino a Air on sunday in La7, for once, it does not spread pure terrorism. We talk about “mutated strain“of coronavirus That forced England into a new one emergency shutdown and that according to himwho it is also spreading to the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia.
“I am afraid that this variant, identified for the first time on September 20 and 21, has already passed through the Canal.” The variant is more contagious than common, but the real question is: you die more? “We do not know – explains the virologist of the Sacco of Milan -, we die more if we persist in not paying attention to the spread of this or other variants that we already have among us. However, I suspect that this virus will become the neighborhood bully, which is the dominant also in Italy. You can never be sure. ”