Endowment of 500 million for the airport sector and for handling
Then 500 million for the airport sector. A fund will be created with the resources to compensate airport managers and groundhandling service providers. The Ministry of Transport is also authorized to pay up to 315 million euros in advance to airport operators and up to 35 million euros to handling companies that request it.
New funding for areas affected by the 2019-2020 floods
The commission also gives the green light to a reformulated reform for the areas affected by floods in the period 2019-2020: 100 million euros are allocated for 2021, for interventions to reduce the risk of the affected areas and for the restoration of structures and infrastructures damaged as well as damage suffered by economic activities.
Minifund for the benefits of health and social health personnel
Among the amendments that received the green light, there is also the corrective that puts 200 million in two years on the plate for the compensation of health and social health personnel (rehabilitation professions, obstetricians, prevention, technical-health, social workers).
Green light for double water bonus
Among the folds of the corrective measures voted by the Budget Commission, there is also a double bonus for water. In fact, one of the approved amendments provides for a 50% tax credit for the purchase and installation of filtering, mineralization, cooling and / or addition of carbon dioxide systems. The tax discount for the purchase of filters will reach a maximum of € 1,000 for private homes and € 5,000 for public businesses. A loan of 5 million per year is planned for 2021 and 2022. The goal is to rationalize the use of drinking water and reduce the consumption of plastic containers. The Fund for the saving of water resources is then established, in the forecast of the Ministry of the Environment, with a dowry of 20 million for 2021 that will allow individuals to recognize, according to the indicated spending limit and until exhaustion. resources, a bonus of one thousand euros, to be used until December 31, 2021, for interventions to replace ceramic sanitary containers with new low-flush appliances and existing sanitary taps, sprinklers and shower columns with new flow-limiting devices of water, in existing buildings, parts of existing buildings or individual dwelling units.
New hires of doctors and nurses for the vaccine plan
Among the amendments authorized by the Budget Commission is also the green light of resources for the implementation of the vaccine plan: with an amendment reformulated and signed by all groups, the recruitment for nine months starting in January of 3 thousand doctors and 12,000 nurses and health aides to administer the anti-Covid vaccine. Specialists in the first year of specialization are also expected to participate in the vaccination campaign.