All in the space of one morning. A kind of naval battle, in which the credibility of the institutions is likely to suffer and collapse, but also the control of a part of the city’s economy. To remain on the bench, once again, the question and answer between the Region and the Municipality, obviously with orders. On the one hand, the president of the region Vincenzo De Luca who confirms the orange color of our region, in the most anticipated weekend of the year; on the other, the double play of Mayor Luigi de Magistris.

Let’s pause for a moment on the strategy of the first Neapolitan citizen: in the morning he had decided to sign an ordinance imposing anti-pick-up rules on 48 city streets, the most popular, between the Lungomare area and the shopping streets; then, in the afternoon, the surprise shot, which smells like a theatrical coup d’état or which in any case is part of the saga of the controversy that is brewing between the institutional leaders of the region and the city: it is still the tricolor band the one that signs the revocation Ordinance issued by himself, removing it from the front of Santa Lucia. Meanwhile, just as the mayor was retracing his steps, a meeting of restaurateurs and merchants formed on the Lungomare, to say no to the orange regime imposed by President De Luca.
Chaos and ballets of ordinances, let’s try to go back on a nightmare day for those who are struggling with the need to give continuity to their business, trying to adapt with measures and measures always different. Let’s start with the last administrative act, the one signed in the afternoon by De Magistris, with which the mayor revoked the order with which the streets and squares of the city were closed to avoid concentrations (net of work or mandatory needs of citizens) .
It is 5:23 pm, when a note arrives from Palazzo San Giacomo: revocation of the previous ordinance. Then the mayor who explains: «It was broadcast in view of the return of Campania from tomorrow in the yellow zone. We worked all morning on the measure to help the economic recovery and avoid the risk of social gatherings, then came the order from President De Luca that keeps us in the orange zone. All this denotes a lack of respect towards mayors, prefects and police forces who are then asked to control the territory.
An afternoon of ordinary neurosis, with merchants who do not know how to organize their sales, bewildered citizens. A day that has a fairly clear and obvious background. And it is a background that takes place at the closing of the public order commission of the Prefecture, in the last session between the leaders of the police and the institutions of the city. As reported by Il Mattino, the need to implement restrictive measures to prevent concentrations in the city was considered. Stop deregulation, but clear rules to protect citizens from contagion. Friday night, then, we know how it was. It was the municipal police (directly dependent on the Palazzo San Giacomo) who intervened in the Baretti area, faced with a situation that, at first, seemed completely out of control. Too many boys having an aperitif, too many people crowded in front of bars and merchants between Via Bisignano and Piazzetta Rodinò, the first fines are issued. But the work of the municipal agents is not enough, under the command of Commander Ciro Esposito, reinforcements are needed. The police arrive, work is being done to avoid concentrations, also based on what was reported by the neighbors. In a matter of hours, videos and photos of hundreds of people on the same street are posted on social media and online newspapers. They look like scenes from last December – images from 2019 – that require a more incisive intervention in terms of politics and administration of the territory. Enough with deregulation, it is necessary to set the perimeter of what is allowed. And so it was that at dawn yesterday, the mayor decided to intervene. First ordinance, around 3:00 pm: There are 48 places that, according to the first administrative act made public yesterday, may suffer temporary closures in the event of gatherings, from December 20 to 23 ”.
Everything clear? Two hours later everything changes, while the protest of the restaurateurs against the orange regime of the regional president explodes on the seafront. The owner of a well-known bar in Chiaia tells Il Mattino that he has just emailed me with the new recipes that will be applied today. But then, two minutes ago, he called me and told me to wait, because maybe everything was changing … ». Anger, chaos and controversy, while Naples enters -with difficulty- in the last corner of 2020.