what can and cannot be done


The government approved on Friday night the decree with the anti-Covid restrictions for the Christmas holidays: the holidays and before the holidays, therefore, all of Italy will be the red zone, while the weekdays will be orange . The decree is valid for the period from December 24 to January 6, but meanwhile some Regions have moved to the yellow band as of today. Yesterday the ordinances of the Minister of Health Speranza expired, according to which Campania, Tuscany, Valle D’Aosta and the province of Bolzano were in the orange zone.

As of today, practically all of Italy will be the yellow zone, except for Abruzzo me Campania, where an order from Governor De Luca confirmed, from today until Wednesday, December 23, the rules of the orange band. But it is not easy to break through the different regulations that have been issued at the regional level and the more restrictive ordinances regarding the decree. In fact, remember that it is always possible for governors to issue more restrictive orders than government-ordered measures.

“Campania will not be a yellow zone even during the days leading up to the holidays,” explained the Governor of Campania yesterday. And indeed the Crisis Unit of the Region confirmed yesterday the restrictions already in force with the orange zone. “I imagine that everyone will be excited after the decisions of the national government – argued De Luca – I did not understand anything, open and close, yellow, red, orange, nothing was understood.”

And also in Veneto, which is a yellow region, mobility is reduced, due to an ordinance approved by Governor Zaia that establishes the closure of municipal limits from 2:00 p.m. in the period between December 19 and January 6th. “The big issue,” said Zaia, “is to regulate flows between municipalities. It is a kind of ‘reduced’ orange zone because it gives the concession until 2 in the afternoon to move between municipalities ”.

Instead, the Abruzzese Marsilio protested, because your Region will not be able to enjoy a relaxation of the regulations in the days before the national closure: “We ask to take note of the positive data that we have been recording for weeks, in order to exploit at least a few days in the yellow zone and give breathing space to the economy. ” and the possibility of movement for citizens. Instead, from the ministry only deafening silence, no answer on the merits and bureaucratic clumsiness.

What can be done in the yellow zone?

From today, Sunday, December 20, until Wednesday, December 23, the regulations in force in the rest of the country in Tuscany, Val d’Aosta and the province of Bolzano, considered in the moderate risk range, apply. For 4 days, bars and restaurants open until 6 pm. However, take out is allowed until 10 pm However, for home delivery there are no restrictions. Of course, the swimming pools, gyms, theaters, cinemas, museums and exhibitions remain closed.

In the previous provision, that of December 3, it was established that from December 4 to January 6 i shops can stay open until 21:00. But from December 4 to January 15 on holidays and the day before malls Only groceries, pharmacies, parapharmacies, health, tobacconists, kiosks and nurseries will be open.

It will be prohibited to circulate from 10 pm to 5 am, the night curfew rules apply throughout the national territory. You can move within the Region and from one Region to another, if the destination is also yellow. But as predicted by the dpcm of December 3, from Monday 21 there will be a total blockade of circulation between Regions until January 6, regardless of color.

The high schools will continue to do distance education during the last days before the start of the Christmas holidays, which begin on December 23rd. Only students with disabilities will be present and the laboratories will be in operation. In class also students up to the eighth grade.
