Maneuver 2021, from self-employed to mothers: here are the news


Maneuver 2021, from self-employed to mothers: here are the news

The cessation of contributions for the self-employed, the postponement of the sugar tax until 2022, the extension contract for companies with more than 250 employees but also aid for the return of mothers to work and resources for festivals and jazz. They are these Some of the amendments to the maneuver approved so far in the House Budget Committee.. The bill is expected in the House on Monday.

STOP AUTONOMOUS CONTRIBUTIONS. Green light to the Fund of 1 billion euros in 2021 for the exemption of social security contributions to be paid by the self-employed and professionals. To access the fund, the worker must have received an income of no more than 50 thousand euros in fiscal year 2019 and have registered a decrease in turnover in 2020 of no less than 33% compared to the previous year.

Maneuver, green light for compensation to freelancers and professionals

SUGAR TAX NEL 2022. New postponement to January 1, 2022 for the entry into force of the sugar tax.

HALF TAXES IN ZES ZES. 50% tax cuts for those who open a new business in the special economic zones, the Zes, for the next seven years, as long as the businesses do not relocate for 10 years and they keep their jobs.

Bonus for restaurant chefs in Maneuver 2021: how it works

Maneuver, stop VAT on Covid vaccine, swabs and tests

ASBESTOS. Green light to compensation, through the asbestos fund, for workers suffering from non-professional mesothelioma at the expense of Inail with a single payment of 10,000 euros per worker.

BUSINESS EXPANSION CONTRACT. It approved our amendment to the Maneuver extending the expansion contract to companies with more than 250 employees.

FIGHTING WEAR. One million euros more in 2021 for the anti-usury fund.

RSA. Endowment of 40 million euros for the sanitation of structures and the supply of masks for health residences for the disabled and day centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, the RSA.

VVF ANTI-LIFE POLICE AND INDEMNITY. Free for Police, Assignment Resources, Firefighters and Police Prisons by 2021 for additional services due to Covid.

FAREWELL OF THE POPE‘. Mandatory parental leave for parents increases from 7 to 10 days from 2021.

MOMS AT WORK. Allocation of 50 million to facilitate the return to work of new mothers. The resources are used to support and enhance the organizational measures adopted by companies to promote the return to work of working mothers after childbirth.

MOMS WITH DISABLED CHILDREN. Green light for a monthly subsidy of 500 euros for unemployed single mothers or with a single income with a child who has a disability of at least 60%.

MOST FAKE MOMS. Fund with an endowment of 1.5 million euros per year for each year from 2021 to 2023 to finance the reception of imprisoned parents with children in family homes

CARER. Another approved amendment proposal raises the fund established in the Ministry of Labor to 30 million for interventions for family caregivers.

FREE TRIAL AGAINST CANCER. Genomic testing for early stage breast cancer is reimbursed. An amendment by Italia Viva to the maneuver approved by the Budget Committee in the House provides for this.

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