Fabio Paratici spoke with Dazn’s microphones:
Juve growing, but alternating positive and negative things. Did you plan to have 8 points less than last year?
“I think our performances are in great growth, each game we improve: with Atalanta, which is also a very international team, we played an excellent game, there is regret that we couldn’t win it because we had so many opportunities to win it, but we played a good game and we are happy with the performance. So in terms of points, in the end they will count.
Pirlo spoke of a lack of clarity even in the attackers, but if he returns to the bench he does not see many alternatives. Should measures be taken against the attack?
“We do not play only for the two forwards, many players reach the goal zone, so the clarity must be of all the players who reach the shot, in the last pass. We think we have a very competitive squad and we have shown it so far. Also in the Champions League. We are calm, we continue, we try to improve, Sunday to Sunday, trying to continue playing the best football and trying to score more points ”.
How is Dybala?
“He has nothing in particular, but this fatigue put him in a position not to come with us to Parma. But that’s okay, he also had to recover from the injury he had with Lyon, then he had a problem during the half-time break. selections and now we are beginning to enjoy it ”.
He’ll be calmer now that the president has said he’s the designated captain of the future. Aren’t rumors in the market that he’s a trading pawn a reality? Is it non-transferable?
“Yes, the president was very clear, so every day, throughout the year, we have the market rumors, we are used to it, in market periods a little more, in non-market periods a little less, but we are used to it. to all these speculations “
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