Covid: Italy first in the world for deaths per 100,000 inhabitants


According to Johns Hopkins University, Italy is the country with the most Covid victims according to population.

Italy is the country where they count more dead linked to Covid in relation to the number of inhabitants. In fact there is 111.23 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants. It is followed by Spain with 104.39, the United Kingdom with 99.59 and the United States with 94.97. Johns Hopkins University, considered the most reliable data source for the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, points out this.

Italy first country with deaths per 100,000 inhabitants: controversy over Spain

However, reports Corriere della Sera, the data for Spain would be incorrect. L’Ine, the national statistical institute of the Iberian country, has redefined the scope of the epidemic by talking about 76 thousand dead and not 47,000, an official figure recognized by the government. With these numbers the threshold would be reached 160 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.

Italy, third in the world by coronavirus death rate: it is 3.5%

Italy is, on the other hand, the third in the world by number of deaths compared to positives. the mortality rate of Covid in fact stands at 3.5% In our country. It means that there are just over 3 deaths for every 100 positive patients. Mexico opens the sad ranking with 9% and Iran with 4.7%. Followed by the United Kingdom with 3.4% and Indonesia with 3%.

How many are the victims of Covid in the world: more than a million and a half

the number of victims Coronavirus totals is, worldwide, equal to 1,674,840. The United States is the country with the highest absolute number of deaths: 313,588. It is followed by Brazil with 185,650, Indica with 145,136. In Europe there are more than 500,000 deaths, of which 67,894 in Italy, it increased significantly with the second wave.

Too many Covid deaths in Italy, Conte: “Deaths depend on many factors”

“The dead remain an open wound for all the years to come,” Giuseppe Conte said at a press conference after announcing on live television the new measures provided by the Christmas decree to limit infections that will take effect from December 24 to January 6th.

“Deaths depend on many factors. We have a very large population higher, the second in the world after Japan. Statistics say that death affects those who have gods comorbilità. And it also depends on the lifestyles. We are studying the answers with scientists, but here politics stops and leaves space for science ”, stressed the Prime Minister, according to Corriere della Sera.

VIRGILIO NEWS | 12-19-2020 13:58

Covid-19, today's newsletter December 19, 2020

Photo source: ANSA

Covid-19, today’s newsletter December 19, 2020
