On January 7, the government and the regions discuss lessons until June 30, pads at school and private buses.


Monitoring of local health authorities in the workplace, new resources for public transport and greater coordination in staggering school entry hours. As well as for offices and businesses. These are some of the hypotheses, according to the press agencies, on which the Government and the Regions are working, after the last Dpcm approved on December 18 and announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. The extension of the lessons until the end of June 2020 is also being considered.

The news comes

For schools, therefore, a new organizational chapter would be opened: as of January 7, if the proposals are confirmed, students could be subjected to tampons (always on a voluntary basis), arrive at the school also by private public transport, in staggered schedules, also on the basis of double shifts (always if feasible for schools).

Students in class until the end of June?

There is also talk of a possible extension of the school calendar, with the end of classes postponed until June 30, 2020.

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A hypothesis, that of postponing the term of the lessons by about 20 days, which is already causing quite strong protests from several professionals.

It is not clear, in particular, why distance education is not considered a training activity in all respects. As, in addition, it is clearly indicated in the complementary contract signed by Cisl Scuola, Anief and Flc-Cgil.

Close before Christmas

The executive’s goal is to close the document in the January restart between Monday and Tuesday.

The meeting followed the meeting held by videoconference on the morning of Saturday December 19 between the ministers Azzolina, Boccia, Speranza, De Micheli, Lamorgese and the representatives of the Regions.

Among the Presidents of the Region, among others, Stefano Bonaccini (Emilia Romagna) and Luca Zaia (Veneto), as well as several councilors from the school sector.
