tale of two ridiculous ordinances


For the first time, Vincenzo De Luca and Luigi De Magistris, respectively president of the Campania region and mayor of Naples, are united. They both signed two ridiculous ordinances after Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte’s decree (which is equally ridiculous) on Christmas 2020 and New Years 2021 at the time of Covid.

The two local administrators have outdone each other. Let’s start with De Luca. Without consulting, entrusting the decision to a live broadcast on Facebook on Friday and a rally today in Pompeii, (perhaps struck by the Madonna) De Luca has decided that for the next four days Campania will not be the Covid yellow zone as logically deducted from expiration date. of the ministerial order. No: Campania will be an orange zone with closed restaurants.

No problem on the legitimacy of a definitely unpopular election. De Luca, who feels in his heart a Mr. Merkel in sixteenths, nevertheless thinks that he does not have to communicate with anyone, if not with his different personalities (the heavy, the sarcastic, the philosophical and the rhetorical, all available to he Fabio Fazio in service) decisions that impact hundreds of families, businesses and the lives of others. Of the others, in fact: not yours.

The Campania Region has already announced that the “refreshments” or compensation for these closing days will be made by the State, certainly not by it..

The other masterpiece of our local politics, Luigi De Magistris, known as the man who whispered a Massimo giletti, this morning he had decided to do an ordinance.

An act so boring that it seemed the pasta and potatoes of his favorite place in the Spanish Quarter: in practice, the ordinance in case of meetings in the street (decided by whom?) Would have, always possibly, ordered the evacuation and closure of 49 streets and squares.

And who and how would have then carried out the evacuation of a Via Toledo or a Via Scarlatti with thousands of people? Bat Man?

But this problem did not exist: so fearful of going against his true political or business referents, De Magistris decided to withdraw the order in 4 hours. A true brave captain.
