The Verona manager: “We could have won in the second half, but the viola has great players”
Ivan Juric analyzes Hellas’s match with Fiorentina that ended 1 to 1 on the microphones of Franchi on Sky. “I hugged my players – says the Verona coach – because they were great. We are going through a difficult time and we are doing it, like today, playing very seriously. We could have also won in the second half, but Fiorentina have a lot of good players and I’m happy with that. Young people? They gave it shine. We will not recover anyone in attack for Inter. I congratulate myself (joke, ed) we tend to be aggressive throughout the field, today I asked for attention in defense. Misunderstanding with Pradè? I’m impulsive, what he said annoyed me, it wasn’t a compliment to the players who left, even if it was for me.
Aguero as a Christmas gift? (joking question from Paolo Condò from the studio) In the game we play in most games, our forwards do a great job. For this we have taken Kalinic for its quality. With Setti I was angry at first because we had to do other things in the market, I was disappointed because the agreements were different. Then, for many reasons, things could not be done, also due to the Covid emergency that forced us to look even more at the budget. Now everything is fine, I am happy and content. And I feel pampered ”.