Covid, in Liguria 3 thousand health workers have no intention of getting vaccinated


Liguria. One in ten people belonging to the category of doctors and health personnel in Liguria has not yet joined the vaccination campaign against Covid-19 that will begin at the end of 2020 with the arrival and administration of the first doses purchased by Pfizer. In fact, this is a quota that exceeds 3,000 people “at risk” in Liguria.

So says Giancarlo Icardi, director of the hygiene operational unit of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, who states: “Alisa has compiled data on memberships of Ligurian hospitals and institutions and the percentage of adherence is 88.8% titled” . According to the survey conducted by the Region, 27,516 health workers are affected by the first phase of vaccination. Consequently, the percentage of those who have not declared their affiliation corresponds in absolute terms to just over 3,000 people, more than one in ten.

Yesterday the emergency commissioner Arcuri confirmed that the vaccine will not be mandatory for anyone, not even for specific categories. Among those who had requested taxation for doctors and the like is Walter Ricciardi, a consultant to the Ministry of Health, while the Ligurian president Giovanni Toti had admitted that “it would not be a scandal”, taking into account the numerous limitations already decreed by virtue of the health emergency.

“For risk conditions, health professionals are the category identified as the target population that should be given this opportunity. The more than 260 doctors who died in Italy, the more than 58 thousand nurses and health workers who have been infected since the beginning of the emergency until today give us pause ”, comments the epidemiologist from San Martino. Someone, however, has no intention of taking advantage of the fast track. And probably knowing that a (albeit small) percentage of healthcare workers will not get vaccinated will not be an incentive to the rest of the population.

However, according to Icardi, effectiveness will not be compromised. “I am not going to go into the merits of the obligation yes or no, but if that were the case it would not be a problem and more or less it would be within the norm. Knowing that this virus has an infection rate of around two, vaccination coverage of 80% should already be enough to break the chain of transmission. Basically the 10% of health workers who don’t get vaccinated are not a problem from a practical point of view ”.

The invitation, however, is to book the same and then possibly back out at the end. “Membership must be voluntary and above all conscious. At this stage I think it is correct to accept vaccination, which does not mean that one day you will surely have to be vaccinated. Only when I am convinced will I have an informed sense. We must be very clear, this is true today for health workers and must apply to the entire population: no one should be forced to be vaccinated, ”concludes Icardi.
