Vacation and leave requests for Monday and Tuesday have reached the principals of many schools, especially comprehensive schools, as distance learning in high school leaves teachers with the possibility of movement. Thus, the institutes are faced with the lack of teachers and, in the most extreme cases, close. These are the effects on the school of the decision to set the last day of free travel to December 20, 48 hours before the end of the lessons. A choice that makes it difficult for teachers living in Milan, but with their families in other regions.
Escape from Milan for 200 thousand: trains, planes and cars to leave the city in the last weekend before the Christmas red light district
by Ilaria Carra

Operations are the same everywhere: absences are accounted for, substitutions arranged, and as a last resort, hours are reduced. Even extreme cases such as that of the Paolo and Larissa Pini comprehensive school, where some 20 teachers asked to be absent, too many to replace. All applications were on hold until last night, when the school board approved the closure of the school on December 21 and 22. Where absences are minor, but significant, time is reduced. Hypothesis evaluated at the Riccardo Massa Integral Institute. “We have not decided yet, but it may be necessary to skip classes for an afternoon or two,” explains director Giampaolo Bovio, who has granted vacations and permits. “The school year is still long and creating tension now would be wrong. Many teachers need to go home for practical reasons other than simply to meet with family.” Evaluations are made on a case-by-case basis, trying to get to know everyone. “I have not accepted the requests of those residing in other regions (therefore, I can move at any time to return there, ed), but I did not say absolutely no, because I understand the desire to join his family “, underlines Laura Barbiarato, manager of the integral Ermanno Olmi, who managed to organize the replacements. Like Anna Teresa Ferri, responsible for the integral Rinnovata Pizzigoni, who nevertheless does not go down the guard: “We can cover all announced absences, but I fear sudden ones. I took into account having to go to class ”. The situation, the director considers, “is similar to that of previous years and the speech that was made months ago about the difficulties to compensate for absences was of little use”.
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The main problem lies in the election on December 20. “You are not taking into account the large number of teachers from northern schools who come from other regions “, underlines Massimiliano Sambruna, secretary of CISL Scuola Milano, who nevertheless calls for a distinction” between those who need to go home at 20 and those who ask vacations and permits despite being residents in the region of origin, as well as those who decide to take advantage of the days provided by law 104 on 21 and 22 “.
Meanwhile, infections in schools are decreasing: in the week of December 7 to 13, the positives were 362, of which 238 students and 124 operators, while there are 3,453 people in isolation (3,349 students and 104 operators). Data that, explains Nicola Iannaccone, Ats for schools reference, “denotes a stabilization of infections also for middle schools, which had registered an increase with the return in the presence of the second and third classes.” And there are also organizational developments: starting in January, a socio-psychological support unit will be operational for nursery and nursery operators, while six coordination tables for the Covid emergency are already active, one for each educational area. The operations, of course, also look to the return to high school as of January 7 for which “the request to reduce the cap by 75 percent came from the permanent table of the regional office of the school,” explains Loredana Poli, education delegate of Anci Lombardia – providing more flexibility for the different territories or a reduction to 60 percent. “The limits highlighted by the Region, starting with the capacity of 50 percent of the vehicles, push to review the quotas. “Once the year has started and planned, the schools are once again asked to attend to the transportation needs”, emphasize the unions, who conclude: “The school must truly be in the center”.