Is named “digitization kit“Confirming the clarity and communicative gift that distinguish the current government, but we can already define it”citizenship smartphone“.
After the TV and broadband bonus, not forgetting the mobility bonus, here is a new amendment to the budget that aims to reduce the digital divide. The recipients of the initiative are all those families who do not have an Internet connection contract or even a mobile phone, thus excluding families who have already requested the PC voucher.
The fundamental requirement is always the same, having an ISEE of less than 20,000 euros, while the global spending limit of the initiative has been set at 20 million euros for 2021. The benefit will be granted to a single person per family and consists of of a “mobile phone” equipped with the IO application and a subscription that allows online consultation of two press organs.
It will also be necessary to have a SPID (public digital identity system) and the smartphone, which will have a connectivity subscription included, will be granted on a free loan for use for one year. It is not yet clear who will have to pay the bond and what will be the methods adopted, nor if at the end of the first year the loan of use will be extended, if the smartphone will simply be returned or if the user will be able to exchange it.
However, mobile operators may “have” to choose smart phones to deliver to users and loan methods. In the hope that what happened to the PC bond will not be repeated, which has led to a kind of monopoly for a single phone company.