WINTER PHASE between CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR 2021 with risk of BAD WEATHER and SNOW at low altitude «3B Meteo


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Weather towards a wintry end of the year with bad weather and snow
Weather towards a wintry end of the year with bad weather and snow

EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE FROM CHRISTMAS AND TOWARDS THE NEW YEAR: anticyclonic stasis little or not at all disturbed by the Atlantic interference that will accompany us until Christmas Eve will stop abruptly on christmas day to start a unstable and cold phase. According to the models this impulse of polar maritime matrix It will pave the way for a second and more important one. polar matrix sac which should take over between December 27 and 28 to cover almost all of Europe.

Polar sack in Italy between Christmas and New Year
Polar sack in Italy between Christmas and New Year

A saccatura driven by a very deep vortex in the North Sea. The position, geopotentials and temperatures at the top of the hole would suggest a very unstable or even disturbed phase for much of central and southern Europe, including Italy with bad weather and snow down to very low altitudes. At the moment we can’t go any further but the ingredients for a typical winter scenario are all there. Don’t miss out on the next big updates because the situation is really interesting.

Does bad weather only affect Italy or other parts of Europe? Find out the weather forecast in Europe and in the world.

To know in real time where it is raining or snowing, check our Radar section, with real-time images of rainfall both nationally and regionally.

The wave of bad weather will be accompanied by sustained winds that will sweep different areas of our Peninsula. For all the details, see our wind maps.

Will incoming rains improve air quality in our cities? To understand what the concentrations of the main pollutants will be like, visit the pollutants section.

How long will bad weather last? All the details in the Italian weather section.

To find out where it will rain the most in the next few hours, check out our precipitation maps.

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