Conte: “Red zone from December 24 to January 6, holidays and the day before” – Politics and institutions


“When we started” with the zone method “we had a Rt of 1.7 reported to 0.86, so much so that we are confident that in the coming weeks all regions will return to the yellow zone. But the situation continues to be difficult throughout Europe, they have growing numbers, in some cases in strong growth. The virus continues to circulate, it is allowed to double but not to defeat “, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi presented the decree that provides for new restrictive measures for Christmas and New Year.

The measures taken in Christmas Decree from December 24 to January 6 and it is a new intervention aimed at the Christmas holidays. “It will be a different Christmas – Conte concluded – but everyone’s sacrifice will help to lighten hospital networks and protect health, especially the most fragile, the weakest and, certainly, the elderly.” Tonight the decree goes out to the official bulletin.

(December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 and January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6)
“A national red zone from December 21 to January 6 Travel between regions on holidays and prior to holidays will be avoided: December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 December, 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. “Leave home only for work reasons, necessity and health You can receive up to 2 people who do not live together (including friends) from 5 to 22. “It is a measure designed to allow a minimum of sociability,” Conte stressed. Beauty centers, bars and restaurants will be closed during the red zone. Instead, supermarkets, grocery stores and basic necessities such as pharmacies and parapharmacies, hairdressers and barbers will be open. Conte then specified: “A liberal democratic system does not send the police to the house to verify what they are doing in the houses unless there is a flagrant crime. We do not enter the houses. The prohibition, when you have the goodness to read the decree”. , was conceived as a limit to circulation. We are in the red zone, we intervene with a hardening, we go out with self-certification on all these holidays. So to compensate we introduce a small moderation: those who circulate on the street will declare where they are going, if they go in a house it can happen later ”, he added.

(December 28, 29, 30 and January 4)
“The entire national territory will be orange zone on December 28, 29, 30 and January 4. These days you can only move within your municipality without justifying the reason. To serve municipalities of up to 5000 inhabitants up to 30 km but not in the provincial capitals. Bars and restaurants are closed, except for take out and home delivery. The stores will be open until 9 pm ”, explained Conte.

“Those who suffer economic damage must be restored immediately. We understand the economic difficulties and the greatest economic sacrifice – said Conte – we are together with the merchants, and in recent weeks we have adopted provisioning mechanisms, suspension of contributions and taxes for those who They have registered”. losses. “This decree provides for immediate refreshment measures for approx. 645 million for restaurants and bars: “they will receive 100%” of the soft drinks“Conte clarified.

High mortality
“The dead will continue to be an open wound in our national community for all the years to come, they already are. We are not alone: ​​France has also passed 60,000 deaths, the United Kingdom also, but it is not about establishing rankings. The high number of deaths depends on many factors: in Italy there is a very high age threshold, the second in the world after Japan, ”Conte said in response to a question. “Statistics tell us that the elderly have many comorbidities. In addition, the high number of deaths also depends on the lifestyle of the elderly: we keep them close to us. Ultimately, it depends on a number of factors, with scientists we are trying to investigate all of them. these data but politics gives up the role and entrusts the answer to science ”, he concluded.

Covid Vaccine
“We are approaching European Vaccine Day on December 27. We do not foresee mandatory vaccination but we have started to push forward a campaign for the vaccine, which will be safe and will be offered to everyone and we hope that everyone is ready for vaccination,” he said Conte.

Back to school
“We have foreseen a recovery of face-to-face teaching from January 7,” the premier clarified. For the Government, the school is not a seedbed, but it is necessary to work on what revolves around the school, starting with transport. Conte says that “it is very difficult to organize staggered entries at the national level.”


Roberto Speranza Minister of Health
“The reproducibility index of the virus has risen again – warns the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza – and that is why it is necessary, to stop the increase in infections, fix the red zone”. The measures are contained in a decree-law of only 3 articles that the Council of Ministers approved after a long discussion within the government and with the Regions. A discussion that with the approach of the holidays has become more and more tense: the intolerance of the opposition that asked the executive to make clear and quick decisions to give certainty to Italians as soon as possible, was added by the majority, as did. He clearly understood the leader of the Democratic Party Nicola Zingaretti when he announced that, in case the prime minister had not opted for the hard line, Lazio would have gone on their own.

“We need to ensure Christmas, the yellow zone is no longer enough, it is useless to turn the problem around. We risk January and February becoming dramatic.” The umpteenth meeting of the heads of delegation was very tense, 4 hours of discussion during which Teresa Bellanova clearly said that if another decree is needed “it means that what has been decided so far has not worked as it should” and asked for 100% refreshments . %.

Bellanova: soft drink idea accepted, 550 million fund
“After our request, the proposal was accepted by the Council of Ministers to immediately allocate refreshments for the bars and restaurants that must close due to the new government measures.” This was announced by Minister Teresa Bellanova at the end of the CDM after the inclusion in the new decree of a fund for snacks, explaining that a fund of 550 million will arrive, of which 400 million in 2020.

Gualtieri: full support for commercial businesses
“Protecting health remains the government’s priority. That is why the CDM is launching new, more restrictive rules to contain infections during the holidays. We will give our full support to companies that will suffer financial damage. Let us face these new sacrifices together.” . The Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, writes on Twitter after the green light of the CDM to the decree with the Christmas squeeze.

Bonafede: not easy decisions to reboot safely
“We must continue the battle against the virus with determination, even making decisions that are not easy, based on the assessments of the scientific community. The CDM has taken important steps for this holiday season: by restoring activities in difficulty, it is necessary to do everything possible to protect the health of our citizens, with the aim of restarting safely in January. ”This was stated by the Head of Delegation of the M5S and Minister of Justice, Alfonso Bonafede. (source
