On Saturday, December 19, the last ordinances signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza that maintained Campania, Tuscany, Aosta Valley and Bolzano province in the orange zone. Starting from Sunday December 20, therefore, even in those territories the rules for yellow zone.
The only region that remains in the orange zone at the moment, Abruzzo.
The new rules, valid on December 20
Currently, as mentioned, Campania, Tuscany, Valle d’Aosta and the province of Bolzano are in the orange zone. Once you enter the yellow zone, therefore, as of Sunday, December 20, it will be possible again:
– move freely within their own Municipality and between the different Municipalities, except between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., when the curfew. To travel at night you need specific reasons (those allowed are work, health or necessity and urgency) to be certified with a form;
– move freely outside the Region and go to another Region in the yellow zone (except, as in the previous case, between 10 pm and 5 am). To move to a region in the orange or red zone you need specific reasons (work, health, need and urgency) and the self-certification form;
– go to the bar until 6pm;
– go to the restaurant, until 6:00 p.m.: after that time, home delivery is allowed, and until 10:00 p.m. it is possible to take food to go (which cannot be consumed near the restaurant);
– go to a shopping center from Monday to Friday: not on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays;
– Go to friends and family: the Dpcm does not foresee a specific prohibition, but the recommendation is to continue without visiting people who do not live together.
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The rules in effect from December 21 to January 6
The travel rules will change, according to the latest Decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (here the final text in Pdf). Any movement in and out between the territories of different regions or autonomous provinces will be prohibited throughout Italy. During the same period, it is also forbidden to move to second homes located in another Autonomous Community or Province.
The Christmas decree, released on December 18, 2020, introduces some additional rules and exceptions:
– On December 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31, 2020, and on January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, the rules regarding the red zone will be in force throughout Italy– Retail stores are closed (except those included in this list); bars and restaurants are closed (but you can order take out until 22:00 and order from home). The regulations of the red zone obliges not to leave the house except for reasons of health, work or necessity and urgency: these days, for, It will be allowed to leave the house to visit the houses of family and friends, although respecting precise rules.. Here they are: 1. The number of people on the move cannot be more than two, unless they bring children under 14 or disabled or non-self-sufficient people living together; 2. Movement to private homes is allowed only once a day in a period of time between 5 and 22, so it is mandatory to respect the curfew; 3. You can only go to one house, and it must be located in the same region: for example, someone who has gone to their grandparents’ house for lunch will not be able to go to dinner with their cousins that same night.
– On December 28, 29 and 30, 2020, and January 4, 2021, the rules regarding the orange zone will be in force throughout Italy: shops are open until 9:00 pm; bars and restaurants are closed (but you can order take out until 22:00 and order at home). The possibility of traveling to reach family and friends within the Region itself (but no more than two people) remains valid, valid for red days. Besides this exception, there is another one: You can leave a municipality if the population does not exceed 5,000 inhabitants and if the municipality to which you want to move is not beyond 30 kilometers. In any case, it is forbidden to leave your municipality if you want to go to the provincial capital.