From January 21 to 6, it will always be possible to go to second residences, as long as they are in the same region as the residence. This is what Palazzo Chigi sources need about the decree launched yesterday by the Council of Ministers that contains the new anti-Covid measures for the Christmas period.
Parties in the red zone: prohibitions, closures and few at the table. The rules of Christmas and New Years.
by Alessandra Ziniti
The provision approved yesterday contains the restriction of holidays: Italy will be the red zone on 10 holidays and days before the Epiphany, with shops, bars and restaurants closed and the possibility of leaving home only for work and health reasons. The decree of only three articles establishes that on the other four holidays the peninsula will be in the orange zone while the curfew is confirmed at 22.00.
For the holidays, the line of rigor was imposed to avoid that the reunions of family and friends favored a third wave in January and February. In the days of the red zone, the beauty centers, bars and restaurants will be closed. Instead, supermarkets, grocery stores, basic necessities, pharmacies and parapharmacies, hairdressers and barbers will be open.
Count on the 2020 Christmas decree: “Strong concern about the sharp rise in the curve. But we guarantee a minimum of sociability.” All the sizes
by Valeria Forgnone
The only exception for party lunches and dinners on red days is the possibility of hosting two diners who do not live together, in addition to children under 14 years of age, who can move even with prohibitions to reach relatives and closest relatives in private homes. But this “once a day” and “to a house”, obviously in the same region. In the provision there is also an exception for small municipalities: it is possible to travel from those with less than 5,000 inhabitants, but at a maximum distance of 30 kilometers and in any case not to go to the provincial capitals. On December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4, Italy will instead be in the orange zone: you can move freely within the municipalities and the shops will be open. For bars and restaurants it will return on January 7.
Around Christmas, ten days in the red zone. But Conte gets stuck: “Yes to two guests at home”
by Tommaso Ciriaco
The penalties for those who violate these provisions range from 400 to 1,000 euros. As for the school, at the moment the executive has planned a recovery of classroom teaching from January 7. But it is more a wish than a certainty.