Before being captured by the monatti of the Sanitary Selection that prepares the lists of those who have the right to drugs or to the court, I confirm with this message that I have heard and understood the state news about the distribution of the resurrections planned by the Magnifica companies -Spa, 5Stars / Omnipotent, Einstein & Co., whose experiments with laboratory traders have already begun without regard for expense. And therefore, for future reference, I declare to both adhere to and get used to the provisions that have just been released with special sprays. I agree and promise not to sit at the table with more than two very close affections, or with three little ones entitled to include any ex-spouse as long as they share a shared sexual attitude. I leave the signed forms on the shelf with the commitment not to share any kind of cotechino with strangers, even if they are relatives or partially cohabit as long as they have a dog trained for non-believers.
Finally, I declare that I have understood that the moment is hard and I will not oppose the zibibbo (or raisins) that I detest or the possible pine nut gatherings in the case of pesto sauce, both Genoese and elsewhere. I also recognize that in Milan Central Station everything is going as usual but that in general from the West, as the film said, nothing new. As the Prime Minister swims back from Cyrenaica with nimble flashes of shame, I declare that I don’t want to stay on its shore, no matter how many bodies must pass by soon.