Milan, December 19, 2020 – After days of discussions, mediations, hypotheses and doubts, it has finally arrived and it is official: last night the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte signed and illustrated live the new decree with the anti-Covid measures for Christmas. The decree regulates openings and displacements all over Italy from December 24 to January 6, to protect yourself from a new increase in infections of the coronavirus. During the Christmas holidays, Lombardy, like the whole country, will experience a kind of double via, with holidays and days before holidays in the red zone and the other days in the orange zone. Also, already since December 21 is any movement between Regions is prohibited, including those to reach second homes, and the curfew from 10 pm to 5 am.
Holidays and days before holidays in the red zone
Italy will be red (here the rules of the red zone) for all holidays and days before Epiphany. It’s ten daysDecember 24, 25, 26, 27 and 31, 2020 and January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, 2021) in which shops, bars and restaurants will be closed and there will be Prohibition to leave the house except for work and health reasons.. SIndividual outdoor physical and sports activities are allowed. Therefore, shops, beauty centers, bars and restaurants are closed except for take-out until 10pm and for home deliveries. Open i supermarkets, grocery stores, tobacconists, newsagents, pharmacies and parapharmacies, hairdressers and barbers Churches are open until 10 at night for religious services.
Four days oranges
The other four days (December 28, 29, 30, 2020 and January 4, 2021) will be orange (here the rules of the orange zone). “The entire national territory will be the orange zone on December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4. You can only move within your own municipality of residence and residence without having to justify the reason – Conte underlined presenting the decree –. Here we compile a speech from Parliament that was clear to know those who live in the Smaller municipalities: The movements of municipalities of up to 5,000 inhabitants within a 30-kilometer radius will be allowed, however it is not possible to travel to the provincial capitals so as not to contribute to the overcrowding of large cities. They remain bars and restaurants closed except for takeout and home delivery. The stores will be open until 9:00 p.m.
Orange zone Italy: the rules of the Christmas decree
Visits and lunches: sociability in the mimino
One of the few exceptions foreseen is the one relating to or two diners who do not live together, in addition to children under 14 years old, which can move even with prohibitions to reach private homes family and friends. But they can do it “only once a day” and “to a single house”, obviously in the same region. “A measure to allow the minimum of sociability linked to this period,” Prime Minister Conte said.
“Instant refreshments for bars and restaurants”
In decree approved by the Cdm tonight there is also instant refreshments for restaurants and bars which will be forced to close from December 24 to January 6. “We wanted to immediately insert the relief measures because we understand the economic difficulties of the merchants, we are at their side – explained the premier -. Then, together with the restrictive measures in the decree, new economic measures are foreseen for those who suffer economic damage, must be immediately restored. We have allocated 645 million to the restaurants and bars that will be forced to close from December 24 to January 6. They will receive 100% of what has already been received based on the relaunch decree. ” Fontana himself had pressured the Government: “We need certainty, that there be refreshments and that they be effective for all the categories that will suffer damage from this situation.”
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