Resounding, Milik al Napoli: ‘I’ll stay here until June!’ That’s why he decided | First page


A love story born according to the best wishes but that runs the risk of ending badly. Between Arkadiusz Milik and Napoli the tension grows month after month due to a situation more unique than rare. With the blue jersey, the Polish striker has scored 38 goals in 93 games but has now been marginalized, he is not part of the technical project. This morning there was a face to face between agent Pantak and Napoli that did not help to bring the positions closer together and study a common line for the upcoming opening of the winter transfer market.

AGENT COMMUNICATION – According to what has been learned from, Pantak has informed Napoli that Arkadiusz Milik will leave alone next summer on a free transfer. A difficult and painful choice because the former Ajax would have to play in the next European Championship and this long period of inactivity could lead to Polish coach Jerzy Brzęczek not betting on him. THEThe blue club would like to make a profit of 18 million euros from the sale of its forward in January, a figure that the delegation considers excessively high considering the only six months that separate the natural expiration of the existing contract.

THE BACKGROUND SCENE OF THE CLASH- But there is more behind this break that runs the risk of complicating Napoli’s plans. The decision also came on the back of old economic problems that have yet to be resolved. If no solution is found to return mail, Milik will walk away with a free transfer. The communication has already arrived, now the ball passes to President Aurelio De Laurentiis.
