Calciomercato Frosinone, exclusively for microphones from SerieBnews.com, Roberto Ottaviani, Federico Dionisi’s agent, wanted to clarify the future of his client

A Frosinone since 2014, Federico Dionisi now he is one of the senators of the Ciociaria club. Even if, in the last period, his position within the yellow-blue technical project seems to have been questioned. Especially considering that your contract with Frosinone expires in 2021: A week ago, director Angelozzi announced that Federico was no longer part of the club’s plans. explains exclusively to the microphones of SerieBnews.com, Roberto Ottaviani, historical agent of Dionisi – Which is totally the opposite of what he had communicated to me personally a week before. We met seven days ago, to meet him as soon as he arrived and welcomed him, and the director assured me that he was very satisfied with Federico ”.
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“Before the closing, there was a mandate from the president to the leadership of the Frosinone – keep it up Ottaviani – On his part was the will to offer a Frederick a multi-year contract with the club. After closing, this never happened again, due to a change of mind by management and a clear intention to postpone discussion of expired contracts to a later date. Then there is the story that concerns In this: at the beginning of the preseason, the coach had communicated a Frederick that it would not have been part of the 2020/21 project, which underlines how society shares its views. “

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“As soon as I found out, I decided to contact management immediately for explanations and their response was clear: He says Ottaviani – Technical choices are the prerogative of the coach, but that Frederick He continued to be a player at the club’s disposal and not at all excluded from certain dynamics. I would like to reiterate one thing: everyone talks about a technical choice, but numbers in hand Federico is an important player ”.
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Frosinone, Dionisi’s agent reveals: “Many clubs about him, we will reflect”
“Is there a club interested before January? With Frederick we are saved from taking a few days to reflect – Explain Ottaviani, which then reveals – I do not deny that several companies Serie second they contacted me directly or indirectly. But I repeat: we have spent a few days of quiet reflection ”.

“What are we waiting for now, me and Frederick? Everything could have a different evolution. There is a cycle ending, but all of these decisions could have been made in the right ways and times. And considering what Frederick He gave and did for Frosinone, so I imagine he wrote some beautiful pages of his history.
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“At the end of the last championship, I spoke with the boy to ask him what he wanted to do – conclude with an anecdote Ottaviani – He had been terribly sorry for the lack of promotion, like an open wound to want to close. His intention was to heal this wound by dragging the Frosinone in Serie A the following season. Federico is an optimist, used to giving everything. He is generous and everyone has understood it ”.
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