NAPOLIST POST – The post-Inter-Napoli event could have been the starting point for a self-critical reflection, instead it was experienced as one more robbery right away.

Napoli has found its umpteenth Caporetto to join the list of Italian and corporate failures. Yet another place for the soul to atone for its sins, pick up the pieces, and perhaps it can win the war. None of this will happen at home in Naples and in Naples. Society, the team and (obviously) the fans welcomed Wednesday’s game as usual. As if a clear sanction, and a “go to ca (G) are” for the referee were venial sins that had to be absolved with a sweet slap, omitting instead the iniquities from which the team tainted. In addition, Mertens’ injury covered by the coach’s linus and the orphan fans of Komandante are added.
It is superfluous to expect something different from Insigne in the future. At dawn on the 30th, the captain does not have the switch within him to become a team man, leader and wise man. Apologizing to the team after doing the damage is even worse. But in case the worst hasn’t come, here are the words of Gattuso who shows the hands of the clock at least 25 years, arguing that the referees must understand the timing of the match, which is partially true. But if the issue is done in such a blatant and blatant way, it would be a crime to ignore it. On this point a host of ridiculous comments and considerations has already been unleashed, since only Azzurri supporters can give birth.
With the September locals after Napoli Genoa and with the repeated corporate behavior on and off the field Napoli gave up on Scudetto’s career before even startingSo much so that the penalties awarded are like the trophies of the Sarri era. The fear is that an opposition will remain in an even more uncomfortable manner once it comes out of the pandemic period. Today’s mistakes come after 91 points. At that time, the equipment should have been dismantled and rebuilt from scratch. But the romantic De Laurentiis preferred to retain and renew, effectively condemning the team to long years of subordination. What the square is used to.