Giuseppe Conte me Matteo renzi in comparison, one step away from the crisis and with a lot of ultimatums and accusations to undermine the ground. The first round of the rationem network between the prime minister and the leader of Alive italy it opens shortly after 7 pm and is consumed in just over thirty minutes. The leader of IV speaks on behalf of the delegation. Hand over the requests listed in a long letter sent to the prime minister on the eve of the meeting: we are not here to discuss, you say, we are waiting for answers. From Recovery to Month, the petition is a clear setback: Iv’s five-page document is full of proposals and criticisms. Conte defends his choices but reiterates his willingness to fight, reserves a “reflection”. The next step could be a summit with all the leaders of the coalition. Meanwhile, a channel of dialogue opens, the tension remains. “Enough of this story that we are the anomaly: the real anomaly is having the same prime minister in two governments of opposite political color,” he said during the meeting. Teresa Bellanova. Palazzo Chigi speaks late at night “A frank and cordial meeting, also by virtue of the issues anticipated yesterday by the letter that Senator Matteo Renzi sent to the Prime Minister.”
“He told us that ours is an important and constructive document. Tomorrow we will be in the CDM and we will continue to give our contribution in Parliament starting with the maneuver. We will see if the conditions are in place to move forward ”, summarizes the Minister of Agrarian Policy. The head of the delegation had been preceded by a militant: “For my resignation you should not wait long if no answers arrive.”
The crisis, says a Renziano as he left Palazzo Chigi, cannot be avoided: “Now it depends only on Conte, we will see if he calls us back, we will draw the sums after the vote on the maneuver.” “If the crisis opens in the dark – Andrea Orlando never tires of warning the Democratic Party – it will not be closed” with a new government but with one vote.
The prime minister sits at the table after warning that he is unwilling to accept “take it or leave it” and then scored a point by bringing home the 18 detained fishermen in Libya. Early in the morning he flies with Luigi Di Maio to Benghazi for the liberation of the fishermen of Mazara Del Vallo. The news breaks a few hours after the meeting and has the secondary effect, known more than one among the allies, of wetting the dust of the leader of Iv. “It was a setback for Renzi,” observes a pentastellato. In addition, among the architects of the liberation is precisely that intelligence on which Conte maintained the delegation, drawing the ire of Iv and also of a large part of the Democratic Party: both Renzi and the Democrats have been openly asking the prime minister to sell it for days. . And criticism of the diplomatic coup leaked from the ranks of the IV, with a controversial queue for the submission – denied by the interested party – by Rocco Casalino of his geolocation on Google Maps, while the Libyan mission is underway.
The hypothesis of a Count ter
At night, on the table in Palazzo Chigi, is the hypothesis of the birth of a count ter. The road is very narrow, but the prime minister no longer excludes a reorganization and even if the parties deny that they want it, it could be the seal at the end of hostilities. There is no talk of reorganization, Renzian sources say: on the table is the threat of resignation. But Renzi has raised the bar on demand to sit down together to rewrite the government’s program and move on. At the confrontation table with Conte, he appeared with the ministers Bellanova and Bonetti, the president of Iv Rosato, the leaders of the Boschi group and Faraone. “This time we go to the end” is the tam tam that they bounce before the game. After Renzi, Bellanova intervenes, very harsh: “We are not the anomaly, but a prime minister who has led governments of opposite political colors.”
We are not here to open a debate – this is the meaning of Leader IV’s intervention – because we have said what we had to say about infrastructure, employment, reforms, recovery plans: now we are waiting for the answers. And again: we are respectful of the positions of our allies, but from the Month to the Recovery control room there can be no foreclosures. Conte takes note and responds. We do not enter the fund, but the premier explains the reasons for the Task Force, the resistance of the M5 in the month, opens a broader plan of infrastructures to finance with Recovery. They look at the contenders Pd and M5s. Democrats warn allies and prime ministers: we cannot go ahead with either the vetoes (from Renzi and the M5s), or the postponements (from Conte), this is Orlando’s message.
It’s an articulated government schedule that the Democrats are calling for: it’s not certain that IV won’t really blow up the government, but it wouldn’t be born – it’s the agitated bogeyman in front of the Renzianos – a broad-accord government led by Mario Draghi, but the return to the vote. The response to Renzian’s ultimatums is a long list of Pd proposals, relaunched on social networks, which also includes Health Month, although reduced: it would not make sense – Orlando reasons – to ask for the 36 billion in loans, because they would increase the debt. . And then progressive tax reform, proportional electoral law, equal pay for men and women, reform of active labor policies to face the end of the block of layoffs, address the issue of large digital platforms. “It depends on Conte”, is the message, to find a way to free himself from the demands of the parties to relaunch the government’s action. Or we go no further.
Last update: 23:59