Italy red zone from December 24 to 27, orange from December 28 to 30, red again from January 31 to 3, then orange on January 4, then red again on January 5 and 6, in the attic the “measurements calibrated and well delimited “released on December 4 in the last dpcm.
Giuseppe Conte appears shortly before ten o’clock at night in a long-awaited press conference throughout the day, then announced for eight and then postponed because, Palazzo Chigi explains, the premier was “waiting for details on the provisioning measures developed by the Ministry of the Economy “. It illustrates what he defines as a “painful decision”, a complicated “balance between restrictions and exceptions.”
In the morning’s meeting between Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the ruling parties, the hard line desired by Roberto Speranza and Dario Franceschini is outlined. The two-week lockdown for which he pushed the executive’s criminal wing is arranged only for vacations and pre-holidays, but above all it is affected by two important exceptions. The first refers to the movements allowed even on red zone days: in fact, visits to private homes will be possible for a maximum of two people and only once a day and to a single home located in the same Region, as It will not be limited to the days of Christmas but valid for the ten days in which the country will be in a state of confinement, and for which those under 14 will not count. The second refers to the small municipalities (less than 5,000 inhabitants) where you can circulate the days in the orange zone. for a maximum range of 30 km. The losses suffered by bars and restaurants due to this new lockout will be compensated with a new endowment of 645 million euros, a measure for which Italia viva has vigorously fought.
“The measures have worked,” says the premier, “the curve is under control”, immediately before upsetting them to announce what he does not consider a measure that arrived late, but “more measures to strengthen the Christmas plan already prepared.” It is a pity that the one developed last December 4 in the government’s communication hype was a rigorous system composed of risk bands and twenty-one indicators, and that the executive has always appealed to the automatism and scientificity of the data to motivate and justify the measures themselves . There is no trace of any of this in the explanations given by the Prime Minister to motivate the squeeze, except that “among our experts there is a strong concern about a rebound in infections during the Christmas period”, almost to the point of responsibility, a decision that is also very politics. Conte is attracted, betrays his nervousness by responding rudely to a journalist who asked him a legitimate question about the timing and delays of the decree: “I’m glad it’s so easy for you, if it were up to her I would have done it for some time “, a comment. questionable even deep down, after announcing a plan for the Christmas break on December 4 and turning it upside down the night two weeks later. Confusion also creeps into the announcement of the red zone on December 21, while the slides prepared by Palazzo Chigi in superposition wrote the correct date of the 24.
“The Rt index, although slightly, has risen in recent days, we cannot afford to take risks on vacation,” explained Roberto Speranza a few hours earlier in a meeting with the Regions. “The restrictive measures have always been successful”, echoed Francesco Boccia, who added that “this is one of the darkest winters the country remembers” and invited the governors to unity “to get out of it in 2021” . “The method we followed avoided a generalized confinement,” insisted the head of government when announcing what is actually a “renounced confinement.”