Christmas in the red zone and the orange zone, the rules. In Rome what can and cannot be done


Red on holidays and days before holidays, orange on weekdays. Italy’s Christmas period at the time of the coronavirus pandemic will be marked by these two colors. In the end, after a week of indiscretions, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced what all the newspapers had anticipated for days. Days of discussion to be able to launch a new grip that prevents party lunches and dinners from becoming the detonator of the third wave in January and February. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte explains during a press conference that there is “strong concern that the contagion curve may pick up during the Christmas period”, the CTS, in recent days, expressed in a report a strong concern about the gatherings related to the generalized desire, even understandable, of sociability. That is why we have to intervene, and it is not an easy but painful decision, to strengthen the system of measures and better protect ourselves, also with a view to resuming activities in January ”.

Blockade for the Christmas holidays also in Rome

After weeks of the yellow zone, with contagions that, although high, have been kept under control to avoid the strong restrictions planned for the orange and red zones, Rome will also be red, for a closed Christmas. Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato and Governor Nicola Zingaretti spoke in this regard. The latter had announced an order in case the government had not decided to approve the restrictions.

Not a dpcm, but a decree law

The measures are contained in a decree-law of only 3 articles that the Council of Ministers approved after a long discussion within the government and with the Regions. An arrangement that contains not only restrictions, but also refreshments. In fact, 645 million have been allocated to go to bars and restaurants forced to close until January 7.

Red zone, that’s when. What can and cannot be done

A national red zone has been enabled from December 24 to January 6 on holidays and prior to holidays: December 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, January 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. You leave the house only for reasons of work, necessity and health. We can receive up to 2 non-cohabiting people from 5 to 22 years old. The idea of ​​allowing the movement of two people at the same time was taken “to allow that minimum of sociability that corresponds to this period. Religious services are possible up to 22. To serve municipalities of up to 5000 inhabitants up to 30 km but not in the capitals province Bars and restaurants are closed except for take out and home delivery Shops will be open until 9pm.

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Orange zone, that’s when. What can and cannot be done

The entire national territory will be the orange zone on weekdays, that is, December 28, 29, 30 and January 4. On these days the curfew is still valid from 10 to 4. It is forbidden to travel outside the region and between municipalities, unless it is demonstrated work or health reasons. Shopping centers, bars, restaurants and non-essential shops closed. Take-away food is allowed (until 10:00 p.m.) and home deliveries (unlimited).

Orange zone decree natal account 2020, all rules-2

Conte: “Let’s not go into the houses”

Asking for clarification on the possibility of having two people in the house at Christmas for a visit and on the related controls, Prime Minister Conte explains: “A liberal democratic system does not send the police to the house, unless there is a flagrante delicto We do not enter the homes of Italians, it is a decree conceived as a strong limit to circulation.
