
Three weeks after the tragic death of Diego Armando Maradona, and a few hours after the harsh accusations launched by the lawyer Rodolfo Baqué, lawyer of the nurse who was at the side of the ‘Diez’ until shortly before his death, to return to the fact that forever changed the life of every Argentine fan. and Neapolitan is Maradona’s former personal physician: Alfredo Cahe. The 76-year-old doctor, former head of the Hospital de Clínicas de Buenos Aires and for many years together with Maradona’s family, has in fact confirmed the words of lawyer Baqué in a long interview with Argentine television ‘Canale 9’.

The doctor’s words and Diego’s last hours of life
“When I saw Diego live in the Olivos clinic, I was practically sedated, asleep and I could not speak to either the psychiatrist or the psychologist – He told Alfredo Cahe – The doors were immediately closed on me. The second day I wanted to see him again was when it happened for me it was a suicide. One of the women who has been with him in recent days told me that Diego was tired of life and did not want to live any longer.“.
After revealing that he had futilely proposed to Leopoldo Luque, Maradona’s last doctor, to transfer the famous patient to another hospital, Cahe continued his attack with very harsh words:There was no doctor by his side and it is not even known if Luque was interested. The psychiatrist did not intervene either. Diego was practically expelled. I suggested to Luque, in the few conversations we had, that it was essential to transfer him to a suitable place in the capital and then take the second step and take him to Cuba. But nobody intervened“.
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