The whistles. The “Shameless” banner. The brochures “No to the clandestine decree” showered in the courtroom. The pushes lead an employee of the Palazzo Madama and the senator quaestor to the infirmary Antonio De Poli, who dislocated his shoulder.
The rhythmic insults – “buffoons, sold” directed at the grillini, from whose seats there is a chorus of “fascists, fascists” – cover all references to respect for the place.
In matters of Security, the government places its trust and there is an immediate altercation in the courtroom
The Northern League in riot gear thus accompanies the last mile of Salvini’s decrees, which have been modified by the yellow-red majority. In fact, the Senate gives the definitive approval to the changes in immigration policies that the Democratic Party wanted in the pact with which the Conte 2 government was born. The seizures of NGO harnesses, refugees without identity because the registry could not accept them, the removal of protection plans is archived. The new immigration decree passes with confidence: there are 153 yes, 2 against and 4 abstentions.
Senate, fight for the security decree. The Democratic Party against La Russa: “Without a mask, shame”
Matteo salvini takes the floor and vindicates the measures taken when he was Minister of the Interior of the coalition with the M5 Stelle: “I should be more angry because I am paying in my skin, personally, in a courtroom, but unlike others I do not escape I am not forgetting it, I am not denying it. ”Announce the repeal referendum. Warn:“ It will be the victory of the underworld and of drug trafficking and weapons. We will meet again here in a year and we will see how much blood she spills in the name of your supposed goodness. “And speaking of goodness, he announces his disobedience to the Christmas confinement:” Every Christmas Eve I will bring a blanket, a glass of milk to the most in need, I will do it again this year. ”
Coronavirus, Salvini: “I self-report: at Christmas I go out to lunch with homeless people”
“The climate is a squad. Salvini’s moral smallness stands out, and with every word he seeks a fight and acts as an institutional vandal. He is a disorderly man in politics. President Casellati gives disciplinary sanctions to the league”, attacks the president of the Constitutional Affairs commission. , Dario Parrini, but in a post on Facebook. Franco Mirabelli, the leader of the Democratic Party on the Justice Committee, recalls the news. The dem Monica Cirinnà on Twitter: “On the day of my father’s funeral, I am in the courtroom to vote and witness this shameful fight.”
And dem parent company, Andrea Marcucci warns: “Acts of unprecedented severity, for 20 years.” The words of the Minister of Relations with Parliament, the grillino, are very harsh Federico D’Incà: “De la Lega a shameful page for the institutions”. “As of today, the Salvini decrees no longer exist. Italy turns the page. The Senate vote on the immigration decree is the last step in a long, complex and demanding work that we have carried out in recent months,” says the Deputy Minister inland. Matteo Mauri of the Democratic Party – Now our country will have the adequate tools to handle the migratory phenomenon seriously and rationally, in full compliance with international law. The propaganda season is over. Respect for the principles and values of our Constitution returns ”. And the parent company grillino, Ettore Licheri Rincara: “The League has offended the Senate with its unworthy uproar.” Emma bonino, the historic radical leader and + Europa, in the end abstains, challenging the method of reducing “the Senate to a post office that only stamps stamps”, and denounces: “This room deserves more respect, we are not in the bar or in the stadium” .
Confidence passes and shows no cracks in the yellow-red majority: six 5 stars and 3 Democrats are missing for Covid.
The Northern League and the Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia do not participate in the vote.