The Chamber has given the green light to the provisioning decree. News planned for the school. Here is a summary.
Final green light, today, at House of Representatives, the conversion into law of the decree “Refrigerios”, which incorporates four provisions already in force, which include, among other things, measures also to school system, for parents with children to school and for transporting students.
In particular, they have been assigned 85 million of euros for integrated digital teaching, which the Ministry of Education has already distributed to schools, allowing the additional purchase of tablets, PCs and connections for students in difficulty, so as not to leave anyone behind.
“Investment action continues at the school – says the Minister, Lucia azzolina -. Throughout the emergency we have invested resources to guarantee the right to education for our students and our students, for digital and for teacher training. The school needs care and attention. He has shown that he knows how to react to the crisis, he did it with force. The whole country knows it. The Government and Parliament have concretely demonstrated that they want to relaunch it, finance it and renew it. We will continue along this line”.
Here is a summary, by the Ministry of Education, of the measures for the school
Resources for digital
In the decree that has become law today, 85 million euros for digital innovation and laboratory teaching. These are funds for the purchase of individual digital devices and tools for integrated digital education (DDI), as well as the use of digital platforms for distance learning and the necessary network connectivity. These resources have allowed and are training the students who need them further 200,000 digital devices and more than 100,000 connections. The resources were immediately distributed to the schools, shortly after the approval of the decree by the Council of Ministers, which have already been using them for several weeks. The distribution has been made taking into account the socioeconomic reference context to avoid dispersed distributions and to really support the students who had the greatest needs..
Learning recovery
The decree provides for a fund from 5,532,195 euros for extracurricular teaching activities aimed at recovering training gaps. The resources will be distributed among the first cycle schools (primary and lower secondary) with the greatest disadvantage in learning levels. The Ministry of Education will take charge of the distribution, with its own decree.
Leave for parents
The provision launched today recognizes employed parents (both public and private) right to work in an agile way or extraordinary leave for the period in which the children – under the age of 16 – are affected by a provision for suspension of classroom teaching, as well as for the entire period (or part of the period) corresponding to the duration of the quarantine.
Transportation for students
The Fund for local public transport companies is refinanced with 390 million for the year 2021, of which a participation up to 190 million It will be used to finance additional local and regional public transport services, also for school mobility of students.