There is the green light of cabinet to the new Covid decree that introduces new restrictive measures in force during the holidays of Christmas. The provision establishes that from Dec. 24 Alabama Jan 6 Italy will be Red zone in Holidays me before the holidays me orange zone on weekdays, with exceptions to travel to visit another home. Closed, in fact, bars and restaurants, for which they are assigned immediately 400 million euros. This is the agreement ratified by the CDM and reached in the afternoon during the summit between the premier Giuseppe Conte, the heads of the majority delegation, the Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia and the undersecretary of the presidency of the Council Riccardo Fraccaro, which lasted more than 4 hours, followed by a final consultation with the Regions and local authorities. All the details of the decree will be clarified in the next few minutes by the premier Giuseppe Conte at a press conference a Chigi Palace.
In the Council of Ministers everything went well, therefore, even if the meeting was still in progress Italy Long Live once again he had leaked their distinctions. “If on December 3 he gives indications about openings, although limited, and on 18 retrace your steps and you decide to close everything, you are producing a great damage to all those exercises that in the meantime had been organized based on the indicated rules ”, is the position expressed by Minister Renzi Teresa Bellanova, who asks “adequate snacks, equal to 100 percent “for all the categories involved. A commitment that the executive actually assumed also at the headquarters of State regions. The minister dem Dario Franceschini, considered one of the most “rigorous” of the government, instead reiterated on Twitter that the measures are “indispensable to contain infections and prevent a third wave. It will be a different Christmas and New Years for everyone except the sacrifice must be made, because it will serve to avoid suffering and save lives“.
‘Red’ and ‘orange’ days: the calendar – Net of the majority divisions, the draft of the new Covid decree, consisting of 3 items and anticipated byAnsa, predicts that Italy will be in Red zone for a total of 10 days: from December 24 to 27, since December 31st to January 3 and then 5 and 6 (theEpiphany). On December 28-29-30, as well as on January 4, the rules of the orange zone, in which internal movements within the Municipality are allowed and shops can be opened. In fact, however, bars and restaurants will be closed on all public holidays.
The derogation for relatives – However, the government has also provided a travel exemption allow to visit to relatives and relatives on Christmas days: “During the holidays and the days before the holidays between December 24, 2020 and January 6, 2021, it is allowed to move into private homes once a day, in a period of time between 5 and 22, towards a house located in the same region and within the limits of two people, beyond those who already live there, in addition to children under 14 years over which these people exercise parental authority and disabled or not self-sufficient people who live together ”, reads the draft of the Covid law decree. Penalties from 400 to 1000 euros for those who are wrong.
Small towns – During the holiday period, as regards the days of the week, that is, the “colored” orange ones, it will be possible to leave the territory of the small municipalities. less than 5,000 inhabitants, inside a radius of 30 kilometers. It is the decision that the government has communicated to the Regions. However, you will not be able to move to go to Capital municipalitieseven if they are within a 30 km radius. On public holidays, that is, December 28, 29 and 30 and January 4, it is also allowed “to travel from municipalities with a population not exceeding 5,000 inhabitants and a distance not exceeding 30 kilometers from the relative borders, excluding in the case of trips to provincial capitals ”, reads the draft of the decree.
What can be done – Therefore, the government provides exemptions for travel to visit another home. This is what general rules what will we have to respect during the Christmas holidays:
RED ZONE: the most restrictive measures apply. Leaving the house must be motivated, bars, restaurants and shops are closed. Self-certification is also back for travel within a city. Entering or leaving the Region is prohibited.
ORANGE ZONE: Restaurants and bars are closed all day. The stores remain open. Circulation is allowed within a city but you cannot leave the Municipality. Entering or leaving the Region is prohibited.
Rezza: “Rt does not go down” – Meanwhile Gianni rezza, prevention director of the Ministry of Health, at the Risk Management Forum in Arezzo, said: “There is a trend towards an ongoing decline, the RT tends to never go down” and at this time “we must have provident attitudes to prevent the epidemic from restarting during the vaccination campaign: this is a risk to avoid. In recent weeks we have seen a positive trend, but now we have a number of deceased still high, we are above threshold for occupied seats in medical area me intensive. RT and incidence are no longer going to go down. In this situation it is essential caution“. The Rt index that” this week goes up from 0.82 to 0.86He was also cited by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, in his speech to the Regions.
Zingaretti Presses – The Democratic Party is pushing for the most drastic restrictions and its leader Nicola Zingaretti, speaking as president of the Lazio region, reiterated that “during the festive period” the yellow zone “is not enough anymore“. The Democratic secretary added:” If there is no national provision, Lazio will surely have a regional ordinance to spend Christmas and New Years in total security. I trust it can be done in one national strategy, a provision in a very short time – continued Zingaretti – Restaurateurs, merchants, bars, who have collaborated with us in recent days, it is fair that they have certainties and it is fair to give them enough time to organize. “