Schools reopening, in the end the solution could be to lower the threshold in the presence of students to 50%



Faced with the return to school, doubts remain: Azzolina’s plan does not necessarily mean that it will be adopted by everyone. That is why it could be done differently.

The schools reopening January occupies the bench, pending the measures that the The government will adopt for the holidays. On the one hand, there is the plan of Minister Azzolina who wants to go to the end by proposing admission to school from 8 to 10, funds for transportation and tampons.

On the other hand, as already highlighted above, many provinces have already found the right place and organized a general service for the return of secondary schools on January 7.

However, in other territories, the goodwill of the operational tables is not enough: that is why we would go in the direction of lowering the threshold in the presence foreseen by the Dpcm of December 3.

The staggered schedule: not suitable for all directors

The rimodulation of entry and exit timesWhile waiting to understand if and in what amount the funds for transportation will arrive, an issue closely linked to differentiated schedules, in reality for many school leaders it is not easy to implement for other reasons: The staff dedicated to cleaning and disinfecting the rooms should be increased., for example. As much as It is necessary to reorganize the weekly schedules of the teachers.

Back to school, in some provinces the plan is already ready: we work on transport and arrival times from 8 to 10. But doubts remain

Piedmont thinks that 50% of the lessons in presence

That is why the idea to satisfy these needs would be to lower the threshold of face-to-face lessons. Just as I would be thinking of adopting the Piedmont region: After numerous pressure from school leaders, we are moving towards a Face-to-face teaching for secondary schools above 50% and not 75% as prescribed by the Dpcm of December 3.

Even unions fail on double shifts

Milan thinks instead of staggered schedules

Of course, the decision, although supported by school autonomy, must respond to the return plan of the region or province and the difficulties to guarantee the return of 75% of the school population.

Nothing has been decided yet, we will have to wait for official indications, although it is clear that individual schools are evaluating different scenarios. And therefore the one presented in the article is just a scenario, nothing has been decided yet.

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